Celle Serverpack for Bli.. Reality ?


Well-Known Member
is there a pack ready with vehicle spawns and battleye filter changes needed for the mod?

or will you be contributing it to reality yourself? (as a pkg)

changelog looks amazing, great work!
I'm happy to keep the battleye updated, there's a few that are already popping up. Most of the code has been left alone so the Dayz filters should be %99 compatible.
yes i think i got it working right now, sadly i cant test untill i get home tonight.
but the server is up and ill just await player feedback :)


okay clientside youre all good, works great! but on the serverside this isnt done at all :)

but the changelogs do sound exciting so ill guess ill stretch my patience a little more ;)

graz can you please look into v2 sigs, vehicle spawns, and working battleye filters, ive spent all day trying to get my server to work, but am giving up now. :)

if i can be of any assistance, let me know, the most important atm is the battleye filters, on join players keep getting kicked, even when i use the scripts.txt you provide in the other thread. if it was just one kick i would have posted the log, but the log is basicly full of code so i wouldnt know where to start in adding exceptions :)

As discussed in the other thread, vehicles have no place in the missionfile when it comes to dayz they will always autorepair on sight and will not stay when the server restarts.
If you can give me a list of vehicle classnames you used, i can add them to the old celle vehicle spawns table, and remove them from the mission file. :)

Running a server without BE script detections and v1 siggs is a nono for most of us :)

I might sound like a sour cracker atm but im just really anxious to run a server for this :)

Kind regards

yea that one also doesnt even allow you to spawn inn. first a #40 kick, after setting that line to log-only it kicks for #44
i think ive disabled over 10 lines allready and still see players getting kicked near certain buildings or vehicles :)

the only way to run a smooth server atm is by emptying scripts.txt and setvariable.txt but that just opens up your server to cheaters
btw heres a ss of the error when you spawn without any gear at all, a simple reconnect fixes it, but you have to repeat that process after each respawn.
I once had this when i had a typo in the start loadout. are you pushing certain items/skins to players on spawn? :)


for the time being i disabled scripts.txt and setvariable.txt and the server runs well. :) ive just used the vehiclespawns from the old celle version again, just so ppl have some retaining vehicles for now :)

it would be nice to have a list of vehicle classnames you unbanned / added to the mission :)
There are no vehicles on the mission.sqm, apart from a destroyed an-2 that has been removed.

I'll do a write up after I take care of the BE filters. You mentioned you needed to remove setvariable.txt, I haven't encountered any issues with that yet, what was the # restrictions?
I do remember seeing a RefuelMtvr in there but, okay :)

the kicks are all comming from scripts.txt but with over 20 players the setvariable log grew soo fast, it was lagging the server (and my server runs on a raid array of SSD disks with a seperate DB server)

some examples of 10 seconds of the setvariable logspam with just 1 other player ingame (not posting a 800MB logfile here) :D

just to help out ill try to collect some info from my scripts.txt logs :)
#40 "{_x setDamage 1} forEach nearestObjects [getPos this,[],20];"

#40 "{_x setDamage 1} forEach nearestObjects [getPos this,["Land_MBG_Companybuilding_1"],50]"

#40 "{_x setDamage 1} forEach nearestObjects [getPos this,["Land_Mil_Barracks_i"],50]"

#40 "{_x setDamage 1} forEach nearestObjects [getPos this,["House"],3]"

#44 "dayzSetFuel_code = _code;"

#44 "dayzSetFuel = _val;"

#45 "#line 1 "z\addons\dayz_code\compile\object_setHitServer.sqf"

as far as the exceptions (logspam) go i put alot of info in this paste: but this isnt even a quarter of it.
are you sure you based your filters on the latest version of the dayz BE filters?

This because im seeing things as the barrel-roll (FlipFlop) being triggerred asswell :)

some of the triggerred warnings: http://pastebin.com/0ThqFRRZ
just to help out ill try to collect some info from my scripts.txt logs :)
#40 "{_x setDamage 1} forEach nearestObjects [getPos this,[],20];"
#40 "{_x setDamage 1} forEach nearestObjects [getPos this,["Land_MBG_Companybuilding_1"],50]"
#40 "{_x setDamage 1} forEach nearestObjects [getPos this,["Land_Mil_Barracks_i"],50]"
#40 "{_x setDamage 1} forEach nearestObjects [getPos this,["House"],3]"
#44 "dayzSetFuel_code = _code;"
#44 "dayzSetFuel = _val;"
#45 "#line 1 "z\addons\dayz_code\compile\object_setHitServer.sqf"

If you are getting these then something is going very wrong on your end, These are all game logics on the map!!

The sethitserver is exactly (i never changed it) the same as the Dayz Code one, so I'm not sure I can provide more.

Tell me more about your server! How did you update? What kind of server (hosted, box ect) are you using?
i deleted everything, started a new database and build with reality, got the mods from dayz commander and the keys/serverfiles are included in the reality :)

i can do a full reinstall again if you want :)

The game runs on a Dell server:
- dualcore XEON 3,8Ghz
- 8GB memory,
- 2 128GB SSD drives in raid
running Win7 Enterprise N (ran out of server2k8 licences)

The MySQL(hive) is on a seperate linux server on the same LAN (1Gbit)
internetpipe is a 100mbit business fiber connection :)

building the server (reality) with:
perl build.pl --instance 1 --world mbg_celle2 --with-mbg_celle2 --with-carepkgs --with-wrecks

grabbed your latest mission.sqm and scripts.txt from the forums

starting the server using a batch file, heres the startup line:
start /MIN /REALTIME C:\Server\NEWcelle\Expansion\beta\arma2oaserver.exe -port=2302 -config=dayz_1.mbg_celle2\config_89aa7cef.cfg -cfg=dayz_1.mbg_celle2\basic.cfg -profiles=dayz_1.mbg_celle2 -name=Reality -mod=@mbg_celle2;@DayZ_Celle;@dayz_conflicts;@reality_1.mbg_celle2; -noPause -noSound

Ive been running 2 servers on this machine before (Old Celle and taviana) but for the new version I decided i wanted all recources for celle so i got rid of both and started over clean.

I'm using a steam copy or Arma2OA with Arma2 copyed into it :)
did a full reinstall from scratch (even re downloaded Arma2OA and Arma2)
added your latest mission, and scripts.txt from the bug reports topic and started the server.

sadly, i cant join it to test (at work) but sooner or later someone will.
The changes look awesome btw! we had about 15 players ingame yesterday after disabling the scripts.txt and they all liked what you did to the map

only suggestion i got was that the airfields still look abit too tidy :)
okay still kicks players before they can even join.

#40 "{_x setDamage 1} forEach nearestObjects [getPos this,[],20];"

for now ive disabled the scripts.txt completely.

also some more rpt errors (probably related to reality hive's respawn bug):
12:37:53 "LOGIN PUBLISHING: B 1-1-B:1 (Ray) REMOTE Type: Survivor2_DZ"
12:37:58 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.Skin_Sniper1_DZ'.
12:37:58 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'.
12:37:58 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
12:37:58 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'.
12:37:58 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
12:37:58 Warning Message: Error: creating magazine Skin_Sniper1_DZ with scope=private
12:37:58 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'.
12:37:58 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
12:37:58 Warning Message: No entry '.displayNameShort'.
12:37:58 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
12:37:58 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'.
12:37:58 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
12:37:58 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'.
12:37:58 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'.
12:37:58 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
12:37:58 Warning Message: No entry '.type'.
12:37:58 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
12:37:58 Warning Message: No entry '.count'.
12:37:58 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
12:37:58 Warning Message: No entry '.maxLeadSpeed'.
12:37:58 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
12:37:58 Warning Message: No entry '.initSpeed'.
12:37:58 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
12:37:58 Warning Message: No entry '.reloadAction'.
12:37:58 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
12:37:58 Warning Message: No entry '.modelSpecial'.
12:37:58 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
12:37:58 Warning Message: No entry '.ammo'.
12:37:58 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
12:37:58 Warning Message: No entry '.model'.
12:37:58 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
Add in your scripts txt, in the line that starts like this: 5 setDamage
tthe following to the end:
!"{_x setDamage 1} forEach nearestObjects [getPos this,"
then the players should not get kicked anymore.
gonna try it thanks!

what about the massive spamming in scripts.txt is there anything we can do about that? or is it something dayz needs to fix?

#34 "(isServer) then {
_name call rpcDirectCall;    
} else {
publicVariableServer _name;    

registerBroadcastRpc = {
#128 "rName = { format["%1_code",_this] };
rpcDirectCall = { call compile format["[%1,%2] call %3;",str(_this),_this,_this call rpcCod"
#138 "his select 1;
call compile format["%1 = _val;",_name]; 
if (isServer) then {
_name call rpcDirectCall;    
} else {
#176 "dayzSetFuel",        { (_this select 1) call local_setFuel; }            ] call registerBroadcastRpc;
["dayzSetFix",        { (_this select 1) call o"
#23 "playActionNow "Die";
player allowDamage true;
player enableSimulation true;
0 cutText ["", "BLACK IN",3];

player addWeapon "
got another one for ya :)

this also kicks:

#44 "dayzSetFuel_code = _code;"

im guessing adding !"dayzSetFuel_code = _code;" to line 44 will fix this? :)
not exactly line 44, more line with 5 setFuel at the beginning.
but #44 is a bit strange, I would have guessed #176
I give you my scripts.txt you can look into that. I think we fixed most of the errors and we also support gcam, R3F Reality mod and the 'dogs and anomalys' mod with it. It should contain all fixed and all celle specific too. We currently have this file in production :)


  • scripts.txt
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