24/7 daylight?


New Member
I tried changing
;Possible values: Local, Static
Type = Local
;If using Static type, the year/month/date to set the date to
;Year = 2012
;Month = 1
;Date = 1
;Possible values: Local, Custom, Static
;Type = Local
;If using Custom type, offset from UTC in hours (can be negative as well)
;Offset = 0
;If using Static type (Hour value always the same on every server start), the value (0-24) to set the Hour to
Hour = 8
But it isnt daytime.. help?
I've looked into this topic of trying to keep it daytime on my sever before. Using the same method that you are using now might work, but for the sever concerns it shouldn't because it would cause issues in item spawns, plus since you are "freezing" the time, your logs would be confused and any item you or other players picked up wouldn't save correctly. It might not be 100% true, but after looking into ways of trying to keep my sever always on daytime, that is the response most people have given other people concerning this topic.
ok thanks, so how how would I change the time? could I just set my system time back a few hours and get it in sync with GMT? that way we have day and night cycles according to what time of day it actually is? Any info regarding GMT and that would be nice, thanks in advance.

Edit:nevermind.. I found it. one more thing, is there any proper way to shut down a server other than just hitting x?
Ummm no idea really XP I am still very new to this sever thing, I am just waiting for my problem to be solved and while I've been waiting I have been looking at other people's problems so I can solve them in my sever if they ever come up XP
I tried changing
;Possible values: Local, Static
Type = Local
;If using Static type, the year/month/date to set the date to
;Year = 2012
;Month = 1
;Date = 1
;Possible values: Local, Custom, Static
;Type = Local
;If using Custom type, offset from UTC in hours (can be negative as well)
;Offset = 0
;If using Static type (Hour value always the same on every server start), the value (0-24) to set the Hour to
Hour = 8
But it isnt daytime.. help?

You need to change this
;Type = Local
To this
Type = Static
then every 6 a 3 hours restart your server then its 24/7 day