A Simple Question about Instance ID / Server Side

Eric Peterson

New Member
These forums have been fantastic for information and examples. Thanks to all.

I'm about to begin integrating my first set of mods requiring changes to the server pbo. In the mission file I've simply added two lines in init.sqf, one of which is always commented out, so I can use one set of files for both my development/test and deployed/release servers. I've looked and googled but can't find any reference to any declaration of the server instance ID in any of the server files to which I have access. Is that correct? I only need to target a particular server in the mission file?

Thanks ....
For anyone out three who's looking for the same information, yes, the ONLY place you need to change server instance ID is in the mission file, in init.sqf for DayZ.st servers. I set mine up so I just change a comment when switching from my development/test to "release" server.

dayZ_instance = 9991;
//dayZ_instance = 9992;

The "9991" and "9992" are not the actual numbers. If you're doing this, you'd download the default dayz_server.pbo from one server and add the comments and the instance ID from the other one's default files. Then you can maintain a single mission file archive and toggle the comments as necessary. There's probably an even better way using a batch file with an argument to invoke your file packer, but I'll keep changing the comments by hand.