Add weapon pack


New Member
I everyone,

I try to add a new weapon pack in my dayz epoch server but i got some troubles.
First i'd downloaded these 3 packs, objects, weapons and skins :

My problem here is to include the weapons and objects ( ammo ), not that i succed in adding skins but i want to figure out the weapons first.

So, what i did :

I unpacked the ado_objects and ado_armes, and then put the Pbo's and bisign file in my file "my documents\arma2\@dayz_epoch\addon". (note that i used it on my files and didn't ask my players to add this in their own file yet ).

So when i connect to the serv, adding one of these weapons with ammo in my gear directly via the player_Data editor in MySQL, i got the message " cannot play/modify the mission, downloadabled files have been deleted" ( i got the message in french so i try to translate the best i can :) ), but i got the weapon perfectly usable in my hand, until i go back to the lobby and connect again.

I guess if i got the weapon in the first place it's because it's downloaded directly from my file when i launch dayz but the server does not recognize them and i have to say to the server himself that new weapons have been added but i don't know how to do this...

Pleaaaaase help me, I'm going to be mad...

Best regards ;)
Try to add the custom .pbo's that are in the modpack you want (YOURMODPACK\Addons\ then all the names of the pbo) in your mission.Sqm just like on Taviana,
Taviana's Mission.sqm :
class Mission
If there is a file called Test.pbo in YOURMODPACK\Addons\ then change Mission.sqm to
class Mission
If you need any help add me on skype,I'm French too.
Mhh,just noticed my tutorial wasn't writen like a boss,so add me on skype :p (zz_marco_zz and i'm Belgian.)
You have to make the server request the addon in the mission.sqm essentially, you cant have just yourself with the files on the server or the server doesn't recognize it.
Ok so i tried. I did this :

class Mission
"ado_armes", (<<<<<<<<<<)
"ado_compagnie", (<<<<<<<<<<<) name of the pbo's i put in my addons file
"ado_objets", (<<<<<<<<<<<)

I am stuck at " waiting for host".
Any idea ?
I tried to add them in addOnsAuto but it is the same as the beginning: i can add the weapon in my gear but when i disconnect it disapear and i have the error message when i connect
Ok i succeed to add the weapons and the objects. I downloaded the PBO's and bisign files in the nitrado's webinterface @dayz_epoch\addons, added them in MY @dayz_epoch\addons (my clients as well), and called the files in my mission.sqm

class Mission
"ado_armes", (<<<<<<<<<<)
"ado_compagnie", (<<<<<<<<<<<) name of the pbo's i put in my addons file
"ado_objets", (<<<<<<<<<<<)

Now, (of course) i need to add them in the table loot...

Let's brainstorm ! ;)
I'm trying to do something like this as well. I've got the weapon pack loading using the above instructions (it is loaded into the addOnsAuto section in this case) and if I turn off signature verification it works fine but if not I get the error in the screenshot below. I've added the bikey to every Keys folder I can find in the Arma 2 and Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead folders on my server and the bisign is in with the pbo files on both the server and my client. Any ideas?

Turning signature verification off on a public server (if it is) is a wholly bad idea.

It allows anyone to modify lines in their client files and connect, and have the lines they changed active for their client.
Yes that is why I want to resolve this Key issue. As far as I know I have the keys in the right Key folder locations and have the bisigns in the folders with the PBO files. Any ideas?
Yes I do.
I've added the bikey to every Keys folder I can find in the Arma 2 and Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead folders on my server and the bisign is in with the pbo files on both the server and my client.
Did you make and addon file called @something/addons or did you put the pbo's and bisigned files directly in your @yourserv in the ftp ?
I did that but not through FTP. I am doing this on a dedicated test server in my own house. I never test on my live server. Anyway I figured it out. I created my own keys for both the addons and it is working fine now. Seems the keys that were included (at least the bikey) may have been corrupted somehow.
Yes if you create an extra mod adding some files in an @something, you have to create the somethng.bikey.