Adding another food object, (another canned food). How would I go about this?


New Member
Hello. I would love to add another canned food to the standard dayz mod. How would I go about this?

What I'm thinking of adding is this: Heinz tomato soup.

I bought one myself, and steamed off the label, so that I could scan it.
Here's a 2400DPI scan of it: [LINK] (VERY big image, 86MB).

So what would I need to do now? I'm thinking maybe roughen it up a bit in a photo editor, but aside from that, I have no idea.

EDIT: This would require a client mod as well wouldn't it?
Just about to go to bed, but we did this for dog food in 2017 mod, so I will let you know what to do. For the art side I might need to borrow nnuu's head.
I may be wrong, but I think you could make it server side so the client does not need to download anything by using something like a preprocess command, then overriding the original code.
Please note these locations are totally wrong, I can't remember without looking and I'm typing on s kindle lol...there just examples...shinkicker will know them, as what I'm showing is how I think you can do it so people don't need to download anything to see it..
Right, say all the food for the game is stored in:
@Dayz\addons\dayz_ code\food\tindfood.sqf

When you have added what you want to it, copy it make a folder in your mission file called newstuff and past the sqf and the image in there.

Then in your ini use

tindfood.sqf = compile preprocessFileNumbers  "new stuff\tindfood.sqf;

I think this will override the normal process, which for this example would of been

tindfood.sqf = compile preprocessFileNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_ code\food\tindfood.sqf

I think this would work, could be wrong lol
yes you are wrong :) you cant use the pre-process for this because a new item requires to be in the config and you CANNOT overwrite them unless you make a new mod :)

So, for adding content this method may be a bust, but what about simply modifying existing content?

For instance, say I want to add in new aircraft, but want to disable the radars... Could I utilize this same technique to do so without creating a new mod?

EDIT: Sorry, it was late, for a little clarity... I am running rMod... Say I wish to add a model of aircraft that is currently not in DayZ, but is in Arma II (say... The MV22)... If I just add it, the MV22 would still have a radar... Using the above listed method, is it possible for me to force an overwrite to execute upon mission start that would disable the radar for the MV22? If so, how would it look, since I imagine an overwrite for this would have to be saved as a config.cpp (or would it work if I just made it a .sqf)
Actually, i did this exact thing. Here's what it looks like, and works. To an extent I'll add afterwards.

class MV22; // External class reference

class MV22_DZ : MV22 {
transportMaxWeapons = 20; // Weapon Slots
transportMaxMagazines = 300; // Item Slots
transportMaxBackpacks = 10; // Backpack Slots
radarType = 0; // 0 = Radar Off, 4 = Radar On
That gives you a MV22_DZ Osprey with no radar. I have banged my head against this for many many months, and you MUST distribute your edited files for your players to see the plane. Any vehicles edited thusly will be inivisible.

I tried A LOT of different things from putting in a model = reference straight from the actual model description, to actually editing the e_air.pbo and removing the radar there. Nothing worked. I had choppers without radar, my players could not see them.

In the end, I positioned a Debug Monitor to cover all radars. It's huge, it's annoying, but it works.

The new class reference method is used for lootable skins and trying to remove items received from skins. Again, if your players don't have your files, the skins are invisible to them.

The above method will work if you distribute your edited files.