Adding crates: Medbox, Foodbox,etc


Has anyone had any luck with these yet?

Can't seem to get them in. I've added them as a deployable and a building and still nothing.

Anything would help.

I got it going.
Just add them in the 3d editor

Go into your server_cleanup and edit out this line like so

"//Check for Ammobox" \n
"// {" \n
"//if(!(_x isKindOf ""WeaponHolder"")) then {" \n
"//diag_log (""CLEANUP: DELETING AN AMMOBOX "" + (typeOf _x));" \n
"//deleteVehicle _x;" \n
"//};" \n
"//} forEach allMissionObjects ""ReammoBox"";" \n
"//*/" \n
""// \n

crates will now remain and not despawn after 2 minutes.
I got it going.
Just add them in the 3d editor

Go into your server_cleanup and edit out this line like so

"//Check for Ammobox" \n
"// {" \n
"//if(!(_x isKindOf ""WeaponHolder"")) then {" \n
"//diag_log (""CLEANUP: DELETING AN AMMOBOX "" + (typeOf _x));" \n
"//deleteVehicle _x;" \n
"//};" \n
"//} forEach allMissionObjects ""ReammoBox"";" \n
"//*/" \n
""// \n

crates will now remain and not despawn after 2 minutes.

or just take it out all the way
Its better to comment it rather than removing. Easier to roll back should he wish.

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