Adding new buildings help


K im trying to add new buildings such as

Class Item89

Everytime i add this my server gets stuck on Wait for host?

Any help please would be very appreciated.
Sorry for derailing the topic, but how exactly do you add it? Do you manually have to write the coordinates, ID etc?

I find it easier(though its the only way ive done it) to add via the missions file.
I do all my editing in arma 2 editor save it then open the beldi.

Then open database and go to buildings, iput id and the class name of the building.
Open instance building add id and building id of the building you want to add and in the beldi of your mission file the cords are there all you need to do is put azsmus as the first cord then rest in order, the thing with doing it this is you can add as much as you like and mission file don't get bigger and U find it don't take me long to do.

Also I couldn't get the mission file way to work kept getting stuck at waiting for host.

Sorry if this post looks shit on my mobile atm.

I could post a guide tomorrow when im on pc if you like?