admin spawned in boxes not visible to players.

I have a new server and I am trying to allow some of the first people to build some bases. I can spawn in a box with all the mats however something somewhere is making the box invisible/unlootable to players.

Vilayer server

running scripts:
Sarge AI
AI Missions
Tow Lift
trader city god

in version the boxes worked fine, now the boxes are seen by the player when spawned, and from afar, but as a player gets within 6m of the box it despawns for them even though I still see it.

I tried reinstalling the AH, so I am pretty sure it is the newest version.

wondering if this could be some code in the new update

A workaround would be if I can develop my own "care packages" with the loot I want them to have. (as long as they can see it) if I can't figure the first part out, please point me to where I can learn how to do this solution.
server_cleanup.fsm has lines for CHECK FOR HACKER. Comment out those lines.

Not sure that it is this, the code around this area blows up a vehicle killing the hacker inside.

The box stays, is not destroyed, its just invisible to all but admins on antihack.

pretty sure this is a bug in the antihack, got to wait till 3rd party get responce from coder..

in the mean time, any one suggest a great FREE antihack? (for epoch)
This is a feature of infistar's antihack. Find this part:
if (typeOf _x == 'Foodbox0') then { _x hideObject true; if (!isNull (findDisplay 106)) then {(findDisplay 106) closeDisplay 0;}; }; if ((_CntSum > 140) || (_cnt > 500) || (_cntpitems > 140)) then { _x hideObject true;
Change them to hideObject false; if you want non-admins to be able to see them.

This is exactly what I need, however I have been unable to locate any files having to do with the antihack exept for the config file. I'll keep looking when I get home from work, but if you can point me in the right direction of where valayer hides these files, tyvm!
This is exactly what I need, however I have been unable to locate any files having to do with the antihack exept for the config file. I'll keep looking when I get home from work, but if you can point me in the right direction of where valayer hides these files, tyvm!

What antihack are you using? I have been looking for that for quite some time now.
Do you know if there is a materials box for Epoch? Right now I have had to spawn things in through the db and it's getting pretty annoying :p
If you have bluepheonix tools installed it's easy enough to add one.

I can spawn a box full of building supplies on my server with the script I wrote.

Just take a look at how Blue Pheonix spawns a vehicle with the vehicle menu, and combine it with how side missions add loot to their boxes.
I don't have any admin tools installed. Could you possibly PM yours? I'm too lazy to go about coding anymore.