Advanced trading not working with single currency

Rewrite my last post, i can help only tomorow, i now get off computer and write frome phone, beckup you server addon and client mission (copy files) and try reinstall this scripts , tomorow i try help you if don't have progress now, my bad english...
Rewrite my last post, i can help only tomorow, i now get off computer and write frome phone, beckup you server addon and client mission (copy files) and try reinstall this scripts , tomorow i try help you if don't have progress now, my bad english...

I will try to reinstall single currency and advanced trader on a test server. I will let you know if it works.
diag_log "found me _classname";
diag_log _classname;
And found in logs found me _classname and line down u see what in _classname variable, i now go to sleep 03:54 am i'm in Russia
Last edited:
Check this files:
see this (2 time)
if (_bos == 1) then {
     PVDZE_obj_Trade = [_activatingPlayer,_traderID,_bos,_part_in,inTraderCity,CurrencyName,_qty_out];
} else {
     PVDZE_obj_Trade = [_activatingPlayer,_traderID,_bos,_part_out,inTraderCity,CurrencyName,_qty_in];
publicVariableServer  "PVDZE_obj_Trade";
where _part you item buying (you ak) after this line (2 time)
publicVariableServer  "PVDZE_obj_Trade";
add this
diag_log format ["_part: %1",_part];
trying buy ak and post logs
but.... this file is script gold coin system, but you don't work advanced trading.... wtf?! and what you version use?
Lets get this all straight: Everything works, except you dont get the money?
And you posted HERE

and you did what that guy said by adding these two lines into line 12 of this file?

SC_fnc_removeCoins = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers (Z_AT_FolderLocation + "\functions\SC_fnc_removeCoins.sqf");
SC_fnc_addCoins = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers (Z_AT_FolderLocation + "\functions\SC_fnc_addCoins.sqf");
Lets get this all straight: Everything works, except you dont get the money?
And you posted HERE

and you did what that guy said by adding these two lines into line 12 of this file?

SC_fnc_removeCoins = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers (Z_AT_FolderLocation + "\functions\SC_fnc_removeCoins.sqf");
SC_fnc_addCoins = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers (Z_AT_FolderLocation + "\functions\SC_fnc_addCoins.sqf");

OK, let me give you some good info.

My single currency works

My traders work

Advanced Trading does NOT give me money when I sell my items, and I can NOT buy items.
OK, let me give you some good info.

My single currency works

My traders work

Advanced Trading does NOT give me money when I sell my items, and I can NOT buy items.

And I tried adding the 2 lines that the guy provided:

SC_fnc_removeCoins = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers (Z_AT_FolderLocation + "\functions\SC_fnc_removeCoins.sqf");
SC_fnc_addCoins = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers (Z_AT_FolderLocation + "\functions\SC_fnc_addCoins.sqf");
Lets get this all straight: Everything works, except you dont get the money?
And you posted HERE

and you did what that guy said by adding these two lines into line 12 of this file?

SC_fnc_removeCoins = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers (Z_AT_FolderLocation + "\functions\SC_fnc_removeCoins.sqf");
SC_fnc_addCoins = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers (Z_AT_FolderLocation + "\functions\SC_fnc_addCoins.sqf");

Trying to add them on line 12, I had them on a different line.

Added them on line 12, didn't work