AI Ambush Not Working

I followed Tiger's tutorial on AI and did the road ambush idea.

I add this one above // End of area marker definition section

// road ambush
_this = createMarker ["SAR_area_admin", [221,[13157.4,7277.53,0.001]];
_this setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
_this setMarkeralpha 0;
_this setMarkerType "Flag";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [200, 200];
_this setMarkerDir 120.050;
SAR_marker_road = _this;

I put this one down by // add here if needed

//road ambush
[SAR_marker_road,3,0,4,"ambush",true] call SAR_AI;

They have not spawned and I put in the coordinates that were on my database I updated them and made sure it was MY ID at the correct location.
// road ambush
_this = createMarker ["SAR_marker_road", [13157.4,7277.53,0.001]];
_this setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
_this setMarkeralpha 0;
_this setMarkerType "Flag";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [200, 200];
_this setMarkerDir 120.050;
SAR_marker_road = _this;
I put this one down by // add here if needed
//road ambush
[SAR_marker_road,3,0,4,"ambush",true] call SAR_AI;

changes above.

// road ambush
_this = createMarker ["SAR_marker_road", [13157.4,7277.53,0.001]];
_this setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
_this setMarkeralpha 0;
_this setMarkerType "Flag";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [200, 200];
_this setMarkerDir 120.050;
SAR_marker_road = _this;
I put this one down by // add here if needed
//road ambush
[SAR_marker_road,3,0,4,"ambush",true] call SAR_AI;

changes above.

Do they spawn immediately or is there a certain time?
Okay, so they military, survivors spawns first when I just put them at NWAF. But when I put only bandits they either don't spawn or take forever to spawn. I'm assuming that's what's going on with the ambush with only bandits. Can I make only hostile military people?
there is no difference in spawn time between factions. Recheck your rpt for errors.

there is no difference in spawn time between factions. Recheck your rpt for errors.


Okay so I put chance that any AI would spawn to "0" on everything except the one group of 2 bandits at NWAF, a 25% chance for one bandit at devil's castle and one bandit ambush at factory, which the factory one doesn't work.
BUT... I still have groups of survivors walking around pikoslova, north of kamanka, etc... Why??