AI Bandits not shooting at vehicles


New Member
So I'm using the AI mod with my Epoch servers and everything works great except that there are specific vehicles that the AI don't shoot at, the Vodnik, Humvee's, etc. This would not be an issue for me except I run AI bandit bases that have special loot cache inside and by using these vehicles, players can avoid all the AI. Is there any way to fix this?
what you MIGHT see here is that Arma AI doesnt shoot with underpowered weapons at armored vehicles. Try to give them RPGS and see if it still happens.

I'm assuming there is no way to specify a set of weapons only for a certain group of bandits? I also have random map spawn bandits that I don't want to have that kind of fire power. If I'm able to change the weapons for my static spawn bandits then that would be great!

OR.... is there any way to add a 4th type of bandit? That I could static spawn only in the AI bases? AND... would these RPG bandits use these launchers against players on foot? If so then there would be no way to get in the base (which is bad)
Yeah it's quite easy. Just set the npcs for the base via 2d editor. Obliviously they have to be opfor
Sorry, I don't think that is the answer I'm looking for. That may get an enemy unit in that location but I don't think that will follow the same constraints that Sarge's AI do.
It you do it right it will be the exact thing you wanted. Trust me, Did it that way very often
will not work as you expect it. AI that you add in your mission file does NOT get added to UPSMON, so you lose all the functionality that is included there.
No what I meant was that if you modify the ai to suit your needs it will do the exact thing you wanted them to do