Ai Patrolling jets


Well-Known Member
Is this possible????? this may have been thrown around before but I thought why not bring it up and get some fresh perspective on it.

My goal is to get 3-4 jets flying in a formation of some sort around chernarus..... Or perhaps have 3 or 4 just flying around my map doing border patrol or something.. Just to spice it up... Is this possible has anyone done it?
Had it on a private server once

Lots of problems with formations, tended to crash a lot or run out of fuel really fast

I then had them spawn on the edge of the map and do a flyby across the map then bail into the ocean set on a timed sqf event. But that introduced lag (lots of wrecks at a guess)

I'm sure there was something I could do to fix it but kinda gave up after a short while but if I got it working while I was pretty new to arma scripting I'm sure a more seasoned poster can help a bit more.
yes it is possible ,u can run it with grafzahl's script and sarge ai .
the heli patrol needs to be modifed to an airplane.
To get AI into jets is very simple just put your jet of choice into "SAR_heli_type "which is the very last line of code in the SAR_config.sqf under sub heading "heli patrol definition".
Mine looks like this:

For some serious fun put a bandit AI in the A_10 and any player that gets in a vehicle will quickly learn to fear the sound of the Warthog.
Hope this helps
thanks for that stench.. do they replace all the helis with jets? we would like a mix of both could you post your text with the jets you have? thanks so much
hey guys i really appreciate the help... fox i copied and pasted the line but i do not see any jets .. I did see the Chinook.. but no jets at all.. what am i doing wrong ? thanks in advance BTW
are those jets unbanned on your mod? if its a banned vehicle you wont see them. also theres only so many helis that will spawn so they may have no rolled a chance of picknig the jet type. remove all the helis and just use the jets to see if they will even come in on your server.
theres 7832523752375235 threads started about the unbanning of vehicles. a quick search will yield what your looking for.