AI static spawn limit?


I know preformance is an issue with tons of AI's, anyone have some numbers that indicate a maximum thershold?

How many totoal AI's on a map (like chernarus) with ~20 players? As an example.
Is there a maximum static spawn?

I eliminated the survivor and soldier ai's from the map SAR_cfg_grps_chernarus.sqf in all the pre defined city locations, leaving bandits in.

Added a static spawn points for bandits and soldiers (as described) at the bottom of the file... bandits works, but soldiers are not.

In the SAR_config.sqf I made minor adjustments...
...chance for groups to spawn I set to 100 for all (even tho there are NO survivors configured)
...added 2 to the max size of group, (just for the heck of it)
...made the hostile humanity 15,000 (bandit ai's shoot everyone and now soldiers in static fortified positions will engage anyone 14,999 or less, theory)

As I mentioned the bandits are spawning in the pre defined areas (city's and such) and in one static location, but the soliders are not.

Could my tweaking the SAR_config.sqf mess things up for solider spawns?

Below is the snippet of code used in the SAR_cfg_grps_chernarus.sqf:
// HERO HILL, anyone less then 14,999 humanity will be shot!
_this = createMarker ["SAR_area_admin", [11396.173, 11407.69,0]];
_this setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
_this setMarkeralpha 0;
_this setMarkerType "Flag";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [30, 30];
_this setMarkerDir 120.050;
SAR_marker_hh = _this;

[SAR_marker_hh,1,4,10,"fortify",true] call SAR_AI;
Just had a thought while reviewing the code one more time.

The createMarker should be the same or different?

// Bandit Island
_this = createMarker ["SAR_area_admin", [11697.173, 2942.69,0]];
_this setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
_this setMarkeralpha 0;
_this setMarkerType "Flag";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [30, 30];
_this setMarkerDir 120.050;
SAR_marker_bi = _this;
// HERO HILL, anyone less then 14,999 humanity will be shot!
_this = createMarker ["SAR_area_admin", [11396.173, 11407.69,0]];
_this setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
_this setMarkeralpha 0;
_this setMarkerType "Flag";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [30, 30];
_this setMarkerDir 120.050;
SAR_marker_hh = _this;
Like this

// Bandit Island
_this = createMarker ["SAR_marker_bi", [11697.173, 2942.69,0]];
_this setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
_this setMarkeralpha 0;
_this setMarkerType "Flag";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [30, 30];
_this setMarkerDir 120.050;
SAR_marker_bi = _this;
// HERO HILL, anyone less then 14,999 humanity will be shot!
_this = createMarker ["SAR_marker_hh", [11396.173, 11407.69,0]];
_this setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
_this setMarkeralpha 0;
_this setMarkerType "Flag";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [30, 30];
_this setMarkerDir 120.050;
SAR_marker_hh = _this;