AI vehicle attacks. best way to make them even more tough


a few questions to anyone who can assist

1) will the AI shot at any vehicle ?, one of my regular members has a donation medi tank, it has no weapons. the AI just stand around him like he isn't there ? is this normal

2) i'm looking to make the Ai attacks on vehicles tougher is there a way to best do this ?

3) at the moment the AI seem to let you get very close before engaging (not all the time) spot disance is set to 200

with the config of AI skills the closer to 100 the better they get ?

ie "aimingShake", 0.15, 0.10 ..............will this mean heavy shake or light ?

"spotDistance", 0.90, 0.30............... will having 0.30 cause a possible negative result

sorry its a lot of questions
just from experience, if you give them LMG's, like the mkmod or the SAW, they seem to engage vehicles from further away and destroy them fairly quickly.