Anti Hack (pyBEscanner) for 2017


Staff member
Hello All,

pyBEscanner with filters specfic for dayz 2017. I have been running this on my server for a while and banned a lot of hackers.

Whole package

Just the filters

Please note this work is all thanks to torndeco and you will find the main thread in the anti hack forums. I am far from being an expert in this system, but will try to help out answering stuff, so if you have a question related to banning something specific to 2017, please ask here rather then bother torndeco who already has a busy thread to take care of.

Also if you make some nice new additions, please do share them so that we can all benefit.

Thanks, I will run this on my server as well.

But one thing, i edited the config to all my paths.

I double clicked the python, my command window ran about a 100 lines of text at lightning speed and then closed. No idea what to do it wont run again.
Ahh, you need to run it from the command line, try this:

Hit the start button and in the search box type 'cmd'

You will then see something which looks like this:


You then need to change directory to where the python script is:

If you server is installed in c:\Arma2Server\DayZ2017\pyBEScanner


cd c:\Arma2Server\DayZ2017\pyBEScanner

you then need to type:
Quick update. I am coding some server side protection. This will mean anyone who spawns in banned vehicles will find they blow up and kill them when they enter. Just need to do some more testing soon and then I will release.