Anti-Zombie Zone


Well-Known Member
Looking to add at least one but possibly more zed safe zones to my epoch server. To the build the player domes I used

which worked fantastically, but zeds still spawn. I want to add a script somewhere that insta-kills or preferably doesn't allow zombies to spawn in say a 100m square radius. I've stumbled onto this page

and it looks very promising but I just need to figure out the proper condition, anyone have ideas? Thank ya kindly!

Also, was wondering if its possible to "whitelist" other vehicles in epoch, I'd like to add some Wildcats and an Apache or two to make it interesting. Again, thanks for the help.
Okay I'm having trouble getting this script to work, is it epoch compatible? Also, it asks for an x,y,z coord, which I'm assuming is just the "worldspace" tag that I'm looking at in Navicat, can anyone confirm?
Also, if you don't want an annoying red dot floating around where you place it, go to line 22 of the nuke script and change it to
_nuker = createvehicle ["HeliHEmpty",[_location select 0,_location select 1,1] ,[],0,"NONE"];
Matt L, You can have my can of beans for such a simple yet overlooked method to hide the "Dragon Balls of Nuker Floating Enity" lol...thanks for the tip.
Figured it out, just something silly in my init, but I got it to work, thanks very much Matt for the rapid responses and help!
Gonna necro this thread sorry....

I have this working fine on my vanilla dayz server.. tried to get it working on my buddies epoch server and no luck. I used the cords right out of the mission.sqm for the trade cities.. Can anyone confirm this is working on the newest epoch or link me to something that works even better? Im a bit dissatisfied with my current SafeZone script because it doesn't get rid of zombies or give vehicles god mode.