Anyone know how to remove bots (Sarge AI 1.5) of safezones?

I don't believe there is a way to blacklist them, but then again I don't use Sarge AI myself.

One option would be to add say UN troops with the right faction information so that if any AI bandits get within sight of the troops spawning at the safezone, the UN troops can hopefully kill them off. I'm not exactly sure how you would do it, and if the UN troops would attack player bandits or not.
i cant remember the safezone script just now, but you could try and either and use sarges zed nuker as a example and try and include the AI into that?

the part youll need to change is here:
                if (_x isKindof "zZombie_Base") then {
                    _x setDamage 1;

if you cant seem to find the base for the AI you should post in sarges sub forums, as he is the best to answer these questions :)
any news here? I would like to kill Ai in the safezones, because I don´t like it that they steal cars there