automatic Aircraft Carrier

also no idea why but my rpt says

ErrorMessage: File mpmissions\__cur_mp.chernarus\mission.sqm, line 1346: /Mission.Vehicles: Member already defined.
NetServer::finishDestroyPlayer(1661358796): DESTROY immediately after CREATE, both cancelled

im going to try to add them to excelsiors bridge chunk mabe thats the reason.
also no idea why but my rpt says

ErrorMessage: File mpmissions\__cur_mp.chernarus\mission.sqm, line 1346: /Mission.Vehicles: Member already defined.
NetServer::finishDestroyPlayer(1661358796): DESTROY immediately after CREATE, both cancelled

im going to try to add them to excelsiors bridge chunk mabe thats the reason.
I run rMod - haven't personally tested it without rMod - it's possible dayz bans the LHD parts.

Mine is added right under excelsior bridge working fine over here, let me know if it works!
I've attempted to get his one to work but I'm getting a Battleye createvehicle restriction #50 kick. In my createvehicle.txt I've found a like with _lhd_ and changed it from a 5 to a 1 (log only) but I'm still getting the kick. Does anyone know the line that causes this one?

Thanks in advance.
I've attempted to get his one to work but I'm getting a Battleye createvehicle restriction #50 kick. In my createvehicle.txt I've found a like with _lhd_ and changed it from a 5 to a 1 (log only) but I'm still getting the kick. Does anyone know the line that causes this one?

Thanks in advance.
See the OP at the bottom there's a bit about BE - did you do this? I don't use BE myself, so I'm not sure if it works but someone said they had it working.
If we know when the map buildings are loaded, as I don't yet, only the DB buildings, we can add a waitUntil (scriptDone _loadBldngs) where _loadBldngs is responsible for loading all the buildings into the map - add it before the vehicles spawn in.

So I was looking at how the buildings are fetched and found this in server_monitor.sqf

//Stream in objects
        //Send the key
        _key = format["CHILD:302:%1:",dayZ_instance];
        _result = _key call server_hiveReadWrite;
        diag_log "HIVE: Request sent";
        //Process result
        _status = _result select 0;
        _myArray = [];
        if (_status == "ObjectStreamStart") then {
                //Monitor the object
                //_object enableSimulation false;
                dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor,_object];
        } forEach _myArray;
//Send the key
_key = format["CHILD:999:select b.class_name, ib.worldspace from instance_building ib join building b on ib.building_id = where ib.instance_id = ?:[%1]:", dayZ_instance];
_data = "HiveEXT" callExtension _key;
diag_log("SERVER: Fetching buildings...");
//Process result
_result = call compile format ["%1", _data];
_status = _result select 0;
_bldList = [];
_bldCount = 0;
if (_status == "CustomStreamStart") then {
    _val = _result select 1;
    for "_i" from 1 to _val do {
        _data = "HiveEXT" callExtension _key;
        _result = call compile format ["%1",_data];
        _pos = call compile (_result select 1);
        _dir = _pos select 0;
        _pos = _pos select 1;
        _building = createVehicle [_result select 0, _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
        _building setDir _dir;
        _bldCount = _bldCount + 1;
    diag_log ("SERVER: Spawned " + str(_bldCount) + " buildings!");

So wouldn't swapping the order of the calls fix the vehicles before buildings issue?


//Send the key
_key = format["CHILD:999:select b.class_name, ib.worldspace from instance_building ib join building b on ib.building_id = where ib.instance_id = ?:[%1]:", dayZ_instance];
_data = "HiveEXT" callExtension _key;
diag_log("SERVER: Fetching buildings...");
//Process result
_result = call compile format ["%1", _data];
_status = _result select 0;
_bldList = [];
_bldCount = 0;
if (_status == "CustomStreamStart") then {
    _val = _result select 1;
    for "_i" from 1 to _val do {
        _data = "HiveEXT" callExtension _key;
        _result = call compile format ["%1",_data];
        _pos = call compile (_result select 1);
        _dir = _pos select 0;
        _pos = _pos select 1;
        _building = createVehicle [_result select 0, _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
        _building setDir _dir;
        _bldCount = _bldCount + 1;
    diag_log ("SERVER: Spawned " + str(_bldCount) + " buildings!");
//Stream in objects
        //Send the key
        _key = format["CHILD:302:%1:",dayZ_instance];
        _result = _key call server_hiveReadWrite;
        diag_log "HIVE: Request sent";
        //Process result
        _status = _result select 0;
        _myArray = [];
        if (_status == "ObjectStreamStart") then {
                //Monitor the object
                //_object enableSimulation false;
                dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor,_object];
        } forEach _myArray;
So I was looking at how the buildings are fetched and found this in server_monitor.sqf
Only for the custom buildings you've added in the database. Which work maybe 75% of the time for me.
Map buildings are loaded somewhere else - we need to find where it loads the default chernarus map, and make sure that the buildings on it are loaded before.
Only for the custom buildings you've added in the database. Which work maybe 75% of the time for me.
Map buildings are loaded somewhere else - we need to find where it loads the default chernarus map, and make sure that the buildings on it are loaded before.

im pretty sure if i add them to my deployable table and then spawn them with instance_deployable they work. but too much work to get to fit nice.
Anyone managed to get any further with having helis stay on carrier after restart? Tried the above but did not work.
So far as I can tell, nobody has had success with keeping any vehicles on any buildings over server restart.

@McPimpin, you mean the firebarrels? Land_Fire_Barrel
I'm kind of new to scripting and renting a dayz server. I did manage to get a few other scripts in my sever like the bridge but i'm a little confused where to put it with the bridge script in the mission.sqm mission pbo folder.
can you post another sample where I can copy and past like by electro pier?
i'm not to crazy about any other location

Well go in game and check the location of your survivor in the database. Sorry I don't have time to get coords for you right now.

Basically, you add an entry for a baseball as I have done and you execute a script from it. You just need to add the entry to you mission.sqm and put the script in your mission.pbo. It will be by berezino by default, but you can set it to whatever coordinates you want (even on land)
Still no luck with the vehicles falling through on server restart fix? Tried what was suggested above about swapping around the loading script but no success.
I have found a much simpler way of doing this, no bugs as yet :) will post it when I'm home tonight. I have it working on standard Panthera 1.8.