Automatic PBO Updating!


Well-Known Member
Hello survivors!

I wanted to pass this along as this has helped me a lot in not being around when my server restarts to make any changes go live. My server restarts at 2 and 8 am and I am not always around at 2am to be up to upload the new pbos.

In my restart script, just before I start the server, I have added the following lines:

:: Check to see if we have new pbos
IF EXIST "C:\DayZ Epoch Server\ToGoLive\dayz_1.napf.pbo" (
MOVE /Y "C:\DayZ Epoch Server\ToGoLive\dayz_1.napf.pbo" "C:\DayZ Epoch Server\MPMissions"
IF EXIST "C:\DayZ Epoch Server\ToGoLive\dayz_server.pbo" (
MOVE /Y "C:\DayZ Epoch Server\ToGoLive\dayz_server.pbo" "C:\DayZ Epoch Server\@DayZ_Epoch_Server\addons"

The ToGoLive folder I added as a place to dump my files before they are moved. This moves any pbos i have added to that folder to the normal places where your pbo's are normally stored. So, make a change, repack, add files to the folder, and the next time your server reboots, it moves the new pbos to their respective places automagically.

I hope someone finds this as useful as I have. The only disclaimer is if you do not have a test server to test your pbos, then these might be uploaded if you should happen to miss a comma or something, so definitely make sure they work if you are not going to be around during restart.

yeah man... i planned making a script exactly like this one...
i just was to lazy all these days ^^
where would i add this in my .bat file?

i put it before my killing of the server nothing happens when i do this :(
@Echo off
echo KILL arma2oaserver.exe
echo KILL Battleye Extended Control - Bec
taskkill /f /im Bec.exe
cd "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\RehabNao"
ping -n 5 >NUL
echo Starting server...
start /REALTIME .\Expansion\beta\arma2oaserver.exe -ip= -port=2303 -cpuCount=2 -exThreads=1 -nosplash -noPause -noSound -mod=@DayZ_Epoch;@Hive; -RehabNao_Chernarus -config=RehabNao_Chernarus\config.cfg -profiles=RehabNao_Chernarus
ping -n 2 >NUL
cd "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\RehabNao\Bec"
start "" "Bec.exe" -f Config.cfg

Where would I post it?

I posted it after the kill server and nothing happened