Bandit Hunt

I have had an idea for a script for a long time now and finally have gotten around to it. Bandit Hunt, more or less just someone marked as a bandit on the map. An admin ahead of time made sure that it was known they were a bandit. Admin selects script on their action menu, every ~2 minutes a marker is placed on the map with their exact or general location. A small colored map marker (100m) would server this well. After looking around, checking through the Arma forums I put this together.

_unit == player;
_marker = 'center';

_marker setMarkerColor "ColorKhaki";

while{alive _unit}do{
_marker setMarkerPos (getPos _unit);
sleep 120.0;

Simple no? I know it tries to run through the script because I initially had the map color as purple and it gave me a bin config error. In the action menu (admin tools) the script is called like this

["Bandit Hunt", [8], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"Bandithunt.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],

Do I need to have it like this. I understand that through Arma [x,x]exec script.sqf is how you "define" the select 1,2,3,etc

["Bandit Hunt", [8], "", -5, [["expression", format[[player,marker]EXECscript1,"Bandithunt.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],

Any reason why this wouldn't work with Dayz? I was surprised i got that config error.
The bandit hunt idea was kind of secondary. Was thinking about having some Kill the President type server event. President no gear, gets marked on map, has backup from selected players/admins. Someone needs to deliver the president to a trader city (playing Epoch). Every couple mins map marker where he was. President must listen to nearby player when no more support is around.
I like this idea. Could it be constructed as a script?
Like: once every 60 minutes somebody at random is selected as a bandit for the hunt. Game plays out till he/she is killed, and script selects another random player to be hunted after an hour or so.