Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

I have this code inserted as instructed, but the master code will not remove buildables. Please check my code below and let me know what may be wrong, I keep getting "Access Denied".

private ["_isPanel","_validObject","_validObjectCode","_panelPos","_playerPos","_cnt","_gateAccess","_inVehicle","_soundSource","_panel","_convertInput","_code", "_inputCode", "_validMatch"];
_panel = cursortarget;
_gateAccess = false;
_playerPos = getpos player;
_panelPos = getpos _panel;
_cnt = 600;
_validMatch = false;
_validObjectCode = false;
keyCode = _this select 0;
//hint format["keycode after enter: %1", keyCode];
sleep 3;
_code = keyCode;
_inputCode = _this select 1;
//hint format["Keycode: %1 | CodeInput: %2", _code, _inputCode];
_convertInput =+ _inputCode;
for "_i" from 0 to (count _convertInput - 1) do {_convertInput set [_i, (_convertInput select _i) + 48]};
//hint format["Keycode: %1 | CodeInput: %2", _code, (toString _convertInput)];
// compare arrays to see if code matches
    if (typeOf(_panel) == "Infostand_2_EP1") then {
    _validMatch = [_code, (toString _convertInput)] call BIS_fnc_areEqual;
    } else {
    _validObjectCode = [_code, (toString _convertInput)] call BIS_fnc_areEqual;
if (_validMatch) then {
    cutText ["### ACCESS GRANTED ###", "PLAIN DOWN"];
    playsound "beep";
    sleep 0.5;
    playsound "beep";
    sleep 0.5;
    playsound "beep";
    keyValid = true;
    _gateAccess = true;
    sleep 2;
    cutText ["You can now operate the bases gate panel(s) for 60 seconds", "PLAIN DOWN"];
    while {_gateAccess} do
    _playerPos = getpos player;
    _panelPos = getpos _panel;
    //_inVehicle = (vehicle player != player);
        if (_playerPos distance _panelPos > 150) then {
        _gateAccess = false;
        keyValid = false;
        cutText ["Lost connection to panel > 150 meters away", "PLAIN DOWN"];
    _cnt = _cnt - 1;
    if (_cnt <= 600 && _cnt % 10 == 0) then {
        cutText [format["Access to panel expires in %1 seconds",(_cnt / 10)], "PLAIN DOWN",1];
        if (_cnt <= 0) then {
        _gateAccess = false;
        keyValid = false;
        cutText ["You no longer have gate access, type code in again to have access", "PLAIN DOWN"];
    sleep .1;
    keyValid = false;
} else {
if (!_validObjectCode) then {
    removeObject = false;
    cutText ["!!! ACCESS DENIED !!!", "PLAIN DOWN"];
    playsound "beep";
    sleep 2;
    cutText ["Wrong code was entered", "PLAIN DOWN"];
    } else {
    removeObject = true;
    //_validObject setVariable ["validObject",true];
    _panel setVariable ["validObject", true];
    cutText ["### ACCESS GRANTED ###\n You can now delete object", "PLAIN DOWN"];
    playsound "beep";
    sleep 0.5;
    playsound "beep";
    sleep 0.5;
    playsound "beep";
    _gateAccess = true;
        while {_gateAccess} do
            _playerPos = getpos player;
            _panelPos = getpos _panel;
            //_inVehicle = (vehicle player != player);
            if (_playerPos distance _panelPos > 5) then {
                _gateAccess = false;
                cutText ["Object access lost, player > 5 meters away", "PLAIN DOWN"];
            _cnt = _cnt - 1;
            if (_cnt <= 600 && _cnt % 10 == 0) then {
                cutText [format["Access to object expires in %1 seconds",(_cnt / 10)], "PLAIN DOWN",1];
            if (_cnt <= 0) then {
                _gateAccess = false;
            cutText ["You no longer have object access, type code in again to have access", "PLAIN DOWN"];
        sleep .1;
        removeObject = false;
// compare arrays to see if code matches
    if (typeOf(_panel) == "Infostand_2_EP1") then {
    _validMatch = [_code, (toString _convertInput)] call BIS_fnc_areEqual;
    } else {
    _validObjectCode = [_code, (toString _convertInput)] call BIS_fnc_areEqual;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------Piggd Panel Override Start---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Server Owner Overide Code
if ( (toString _convertInput) == "14763027147631" ) then {
        if (typeOf(_panel) == "Infostand_2_EP1") then {
            _validMatch = true;
        } else {
            _validObjectCode = true;
// Admin Overide Code
if ( (toString _convertInput) == "14763027147630" ) then {
        if (typeOf(_panel) == "Infostand_2_EP1") then {
            _validMatch = true;
        } else {
            _validObjectCode = true;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------Piggd Panel Overide End------------------------------------------------------------------------

Change it to this

private ["_isPanel","_validObject","_validObjectCode","_panelPos","_playerPos","_cnt","_gateAccess","_inVehicle","_soundSource","_panel","_convertInput","_code", "_inputCode", "_validMatch"];
_panel = cursortarget;
_gateAccess = false;
_playerPos = getpos player;
_panelPos = getpos _panel;
_cnt = 600;
_validMatch = false;
_validObjectCode = false;
keyCode = _this select 0;
//hint format["keycode after enter: %1", keyCode];
sleep 3;
_code = keyCode;
_inputCode = _this select 1;
//hint format["Keycode: %1 | CodeInput: %2", _code, _inputCode];
_convertInput =+ _inputCode;
for "_i" from 0 to (count _convertInput - 1) do {_convertInput set [_i, (_convertInput select _i) + 48]};
//hint format["Keycode: %1 | CodeInput: %2", _code, (toString _convertInput)];
// compare arrays to see if code matches
    if (typeOf(_panel) == "Infostand_2_EP1") then {
    _validMatch = [_code, (toString _convertInput)] call BIS_fnc_areEqual;
    } else {
    _validObjectCode = [_code, (toString _convertInput)] call BIS_fnc_areEqual;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------Piggd Panel Override Start---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Server Owner Overide Code
if ( (toString _convertInput) == "14763027147631" ) then {
        if (typeOf(_panel) == "Infostand_2_EP1") then {
            _validMatch = true;
        } else {
            _validObjectCode = true;
// Admin Overide Code
if ( (toString _convertInput) == "14763027147630" ) then {
        if (typeOf(_panel) == "Infostand_2_EP1") then {
            _validMatch = true;
        } else {
            _validObjectCode = true;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------Piggd Panel Overide End------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (_validMatch) then {
    cutText ["### ACCESS GRANTED ###", "PLAIN DOWN"];
    playsound "beep";
    sleep 0.5;
    playsound "beep";
    sleep 0.5;
    playsound "beep";
    keyValid = true;
    _gateAccess = true;
    sleep 2;
    cutText ["You can now operate the bases gate panel(s) for 60 seconds", "PLAIN DOWN"];
    while {_gateAccess} do
    _playerPos = getpos player;
    _panelPos = getpos _panel;
    //_inVehicle = (vehicle player != player);
        if (_playerPos distance _panelPos > 150) then {
        _gateAccess = false;
        keyValid = false;
        cutText ["Lost connection to panel > 150 meters away", "PLAIN DOWN"];
    _cnt = _cnt - 1;
    if (_cnt <= 600 && _cnt % 10 == 0) then {
        cutText [format["Access to panel expires in %1 seconds",(_cnt / 10)], "PLAIN DOWN",1];
        if (_cnt <= 0) then {
        _gateAccess = false;
        keyValid = false;
        cutText ["You no longer have gate access, type code in again to have access", "PLAIN DOWN"];
    sleep .1;
    keyValid = false;
} else {
if (!_validObjectCode) then {
    removeObject = false;
    cutText ["!!! ACCESS DENIED !!!", "PLAIN DOWN"];
    playsound "beep";
    sleep 2;
    cutText ["Wrong code was entered", "PLAIN DOWN"];
    } else {
    removeObject = true;
    //_validObject setVariable ["validObject",true];
    _panel setVariable ["validObject", true];
    cutText ["### ACCESS GRANTED ###\n You can now delete object", "PLAIN DOWN"];
    playsound "beep";
    sleep 0.5;
    playsound "beep";
    sleep 0.5;
    playsound "beep";
    _gateAccess = true;
        while {_gateAccess} do
            _playerPos = getpos player;
            _panelPos = getpos _panel;
            //_inVehicle = (vehicle player != player);
            if (_playerPos distance _panelPos > 5) then {
                _gateAccess = false;
                cutText ["Object access lost, player > 5 meters away", "PLAIN DOWN"];
            _cnt = _cnt - 1;
            if (_cnt <= 600 && _cnt % 10 == 0) then {
                cutText [format["Access to object expires in %1 seconds",(_cnt / 10)], "PLAIN DOWN",1];
            if (_cnt <= 0) then {
                _gateAccess = false;
            cutText ["You no longer have object access, type code in again to have access", "PLAIN DOWN"];
        sleep .1;
        removeObject = false;
// compare arrays to see if code matches
    if (typeOf(_panel) == "Infostand_2_EP1") then {
    _validMatch = [_code, (toString _convertInput)] call BIS_fnc_areEqual;
    } else {
    _validObjectCode = [_code, (toString _convertInput)] call BIS_fnc_areEqual;
I have also reworked the MasterCode thing. Maybe you can use it

There are two methods to remove via Code or via Owner remove.

You can give the Admins the ability to remove things via both.

For the green Owner Remove do the following:

1. Open player_remove.sqf
2. Search for this code
if ( _ownerID == dayz_characterID ) then {
call _func_ownerRemove;
3. Add directly below it
if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["AdminPlayerUID1","AdminplayerUID2"]) then {
call _func_ownerRemove;
4. Replace ADMINPLAYERUID for your playerUID which can be found here

Arma2 Main Menu>>Profile>>"PlayerName">>Edit, look in the bottom left hand corner for "Player ID" that is the number that needs to be added to the code

For the purple Remove Code (and Operate Gates) thing in my opinion a MasterCode is too risky. I made it so every Admin can enter what he wants to do (can simply enter 1 or something like that) and it will be always true and gives you access.

For it do the following:

1. Open codeCompare.sqf
2. Search for
// compare arrays to see if code matches
if (typeOf(_panel) == "Infostand_2_EP1") then {
_validMatch = [_code, (toString _convertInput)] call BIS_fnc_areEqual;
} else {
_validObjectCode = [_code, (toString _convertInput)] call BIS_fnc_areEqual;
3. Add directly below it
if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["AdminPlayerUID1","AdminplayerUID2"]) then {
        if (typeOf(_panel) == "Infostand_2_EP1") then {
            _validMatch = true;
        } else {
            _validObjectCode = true;
4. Replace ADMINPLAYERUID for your playerUID which can be found here

Arma2 Main Menu>>Profile>>"PlayerName">>Edit, look in the bottom left hand corner for "Player ID" that is the number that needs to be added to the code

Hope it helps ;)


Edit: Reworked again, so its much more comfortable :)
I am adding that code in today, fell asleep yesterday lol

Thanks again !

P.S. the post i made above is that for timer access time and distance also cause of the flaw i wrote there?
Would be most easy someone post the and dayz_server.pbo configured only with this mod. But the script is too complicated.

I have many doubts, as: "Battleeye Scripts". I don't know what to make of the fact.
Is also the part of the server_monitor.sqf. In this part tells me to add a line below the 10 and then add the other below the line 111. But if I added this lines above 111 likely already be another. So do not know if 111 is lowered before the addition of line 10 or later, if then gets even more confusing because it may have had a "standard" adding, leaving lines separating the original code added, other than those who wrote the tutorial.

If someone could do that I want to move your files would be very grateful, my server is Chernarus and runs with Easy server installer.

Thanks already.
Would be most easy someone post the and dayz_server.pbo configured only with this mod. But the script is too complicated.

I have many doubts, as: "Battleeye Scripts". I don't know what to make of the fact.
Is also the part of the server_monitor.sqf. In this part tells me to add a line below the 10 and then add the other below the line 111. But if I added this lines above 111 likely already be another. So do not know if 111 is lowered before the addition of line 10 or later, if then gets even more confusing because it may have had a "standard" adding, leaving lines separating the original code added, other than those who wrote the tutorial.

If someone could do that I want to move your files would be very grateful, my server is Chernarus and runs with Easy server installer.

Thanks already.

Battle Eye scripts.txt is the file that you would want to alter.

Next you say add below 10 and add below 111. you need to do exactly as stated, if you do add before then you mess up. Also the server_monitor.sqf file in the basebuilding code is an example of how to put it into yours, read that and you will see. Just making your pbo's is evry hard cause we do not know how your setup works, if working at all.

So... Just read and do exactly as stated, do not make up your own code and it will work with the odd script kick here or there which are easily corrected.

Besides handing over those pbo's dont work at all anyways cause at the look of things you have no idea how to implement the instance_deployables table into your own schema as well.
Just try the installation/altering the code yourself, if you do come accross a problem tell us here and we will help you the best we can, just doing nothing and waiting will not get you anywhere and this will help you understand/learn coding a bit too.
Battle Eye scripts.txt is the file that you would want to alter.

Next you say add below 10 and add below 111. you need to do exactly as stated, if you do add before then you mess up. Also the server_monitor.sqf file in the basebuilding code is an example of how to put it into yours, read that and you will see. Just making your pbo's is evry hard cause we do not know how your setup works, if working at all.

So... Just read and do exactly as stated, do not make up your own code and it will work with the odd script kick here or there which are easily corrected.

I kon i have edit the scripts.txt in battle eye folder in my server. Don't know as edit the file as it's in tutorial. As little confused.
"Line 20-23 scripts.txt add:"
What I understood is that each line of 20 to 23, I have to add lines to the tutorial in the same order. I do not know if i'm right. I'm right?

I did not do my own code. Say for example:
I have a file with 10 lines of code, if I have a 2 below the line and another line 5. When I add to my code below the two lines will have 11 and 5 becomes 6, so if I do not text wraps. That is my question, if this line is 111 with the code clean.

Thank you for your attention. I'll redo all the steps again, and if it is possible to resolve these doubts my best yet.
Line 20-23 means either line 20, 21, 22 or 23 look at the example what it must say, then add after it, or to end of file and add a whole new line.

you are talking about text wrap, I do hope you're using Notepad++ and not word document or something like that, anyways, just add the lines as shown in example, if you have to add a line and the rest gets moved down a line it does not matter, as long as you add those lines exactly as stated and also exactly where they state it you're good to go.
Show for me this error:
Can you look into your RPT log or post the RPT log here, it's hard to see what's wrong here, might even want to see your hiveext.log
RPT log
22:24:08 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:09 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:10 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:11 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:12 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:13 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:14 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:15 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:16 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:17 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:18 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:19 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:20 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:21 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:22 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:23 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:24 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:25 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:26 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:27 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:28 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:29 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:30 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:31 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:32 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:33 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:34 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:35 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:36 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:37 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:38 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:39 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:40 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:41 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:42 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
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22:24:44 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:45 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:46 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:47 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:48 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:49 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:50 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:51 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:52 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:53 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:54 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:55 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:56 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:57 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"
22:24:58 "MISSION: File Needs Updating"

2013-05-12 10:19:36 Database: [Warning] Could not connect to MySQL database at Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061), retrying in 1 seconds
2013-05-12 10:19:39 Database: [Warning] Could not connect to MySQL database at Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061), retrying in 1 seconds
2013-05-12 10:19:41 Database: [Warning] Could not connect to MySQL database at Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061), retrying in 1 seconds
2013-05-12 10:19:43 Database: [Warning] Could not connect to MySQL database at Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061), retrying in 1 seconds
2013-05-12 10:22:45 Database: [Warning] Could not connect to MySQL database at Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061), retrying in 1 seconds
2013-05-12 10:22:47 Database: [Warning] Could not connect to MySQL database at Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061), retrying in 1 seconds
2013-05-12 10:22:50 Database: [Warning] Could not connect to MySQL database at Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061), retrying in 1 seconds
2013-05-13 09:38:40 Database: [Error] Error 1205 (Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction) in MySQLStmtExecute SQL: 'update `survivor` set `last_updated` = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP where `id` = ? VALUES(1)'
2013-05-13 09:39:32 Database: [Error] Error 1205 (Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction) in MySQLQuery SQL: 'update `survivor` s set s.`medical` = '[false,false,false,false,false,false,true,3890.62,[],[0,0],0,[173.553,66.423]]' , s.`model` = 'Survivor2_DZ' , s.`state` = '[\"\",\"amovpknlmstpsraswrfldnon_gear\",39]' , s.`Worldspace` = '[158,[8305.15,10528,0.001]]' where s.`id` = 1'
2013-05-13 19:46:55 HiveExt: [Warning] Invalid Backpack for CharacterID(1): ["DZ_Backpack_EP1",["DZ_Backpack_EP1",[["ItemToolbox"],[1]],[[],[]]]
2013-05-13 23:35:44 HiveExt: [Error] Error fetching created character for playerId 94722246
2013-05-13 23:35:44 HiveExt: [Error] Error fetching created character for playerId 94722246
2013-05-13 23:35:44 HiveExt: [Error] Error fetching created character for playerId 94722246
2013-05-13 23:35:44 HiveExt: [Error] Error fetching created character for playerId 94722246
2013-05-13 23:35:44 HiveExt: [Error] Error fetching created character for playerId 94722246
2013-05-13 23:36:48 HiveExt: [Error] Error fetching created character for playerId 94722246
2013-05-13 23:36:48 HiveExt: [Error] Error fetching created character for playerId 94722246
2013-05-13 23:36:48 HiveExt: [Error] Error fetching created character for playerId 94722246
2013-05-13 23:36:48 HiveExt: [Error] Error fetching created character for playerId 94722246
2013-05-13 23:36:48 HiveExt: [Error] Error fetching created character for playerId 94722246
2013-05-13 23:36:49 Database: [Error] Error 1062 (Duplicate entry '94722246' for key 'uq_profile') in MySQLStmtExecute SQL: 'insert into profile (`unique_id`, `name`) values (?, ?) VALUES("94722246", "[MOITAS] marcelotk")'
2013-05-13 23:36:49 Database: [Error] Error 1062 (Duplicate entry '94722246' for key 'uq_profile') in MySQLStmtExecute SQL: 'insert into profile (`unique_id`, `name`) values (?, ?) VALUES("94722246", "[MOITAS] marcelotk")'
2013-05-13 23:36:49 Database: [Error] Error 1062 (Duplicate entry '94722246' for key 'uq_profile') in MySQLStmtExecute SQL: 'insert into profile (`unique_id`, `name`) values (?, ?) VALUES("94722246", "[MOITAS] marcelotk")'
2013-05-13 23:36:49 Database: [Error] Error 1062 (Duplicate entry '94722246' for key 'uq_profile') in MySQLStmtExecute SQL: 'insert into profile (`unique_id`, `name`) values (?, ?) VALUES("94722246", "[MOITAS] marcelotk")'
2013-05-13 23:53:09 HiveExt: [Error] Error fetching created character for playerId 94722246
2013-05-13 23:53:09 HiveExt: [Error] Error fetching created character for playerId 94722246
2013-05-13 23:53:09 HiveExt: [Error] Error fetching created character for playerId 94722246
2013-05-13 23:53:09 HiveExt: [Error] Error fetching created character for playerId 94722246
2013-05-13 23:53:09 HiveExt: [Error] Error fetching created character for playerId 94722246
2013-05-14 00:01:38 HiveExt: [Error] Error fetching created character for playerId 94722246
2013-05-14 00:01:38 HiveExt: [Error] Error fetching created character for playerId 94722246
2013-05-14 00:01:38 HiveExt: [Error] Error fetching created character for playerId 94722246
2013-05-14 00:01:38 HiveExt: [Error] Error fetching created character for playerId 94722246
2013-05-14 00:01:38 HiveExt: [Error] Error fetching created character for playerId 94722246
2013-05-15 21:18:47 HiveExt: [Error] Cannot load library: Database.dll
2013-05-14 21:40:10 HiveExt: [Error] Error fetching created character for playerId 94722246
2013-05-14 21:40:10 HiveExt: [Error] Error fetching created character for playerId 94722246
2013-05-14 21:40:10 HiveExt: [Error] Error fetching created character for playerId 94722246
2013-05-14 21:40:10 HiveExt: [Error] Error fetching created character for playerId 94722246
2013-05-14 21:40:10 HiveExt: [Error] Error fetching created character for playerId 94722246
2013-05-14 21:51:43 HiveExt: [Error] Error fetching created character for playerId 94722246
2013-05-14 21:51:43 HiveExt: [Error] Error fetching created character for playerId 94722246
2013-05-14 21:51:43 HiveExt: [Error] Error fetching created character for playerId 94722246
2013-05-14 21:51:43 HiveExt: [Error] Error fetching created character for playerId 94722246
2013-05-14 21:51:43 HiveExt: [Error] Error fetching created character for playerId 94722246
Well that speaks for itself don't it?

I suggest to install all over again, the db is filed with duplicate entries so it does not know which entry to take.
First make sure the game is running as it should be, make sure everything is updated to latest versions also, then play without ANY mod see if all saves properly, then commence on inserting a mod.
Anes gave have come here had all this aim. And it was not about my DB so because with the mod installed gave this error, since I have backupw of my files.
Then you word wrapped all the files or added extra code, in short, you broke the code and you broke the db by adding this mod. My best bet is to contact those who made the easy server install program to assist you in adding this mod as they know best how all works.

I am sorry