Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

Still got the same problem I had before "Wait For Host" - I'm using pwn0zor private hive files updated to from - Some one please help ? :)

You may want to check the server or client RPT logs to see why you can't connect. There are two things I can think of off the top of my head that usually cause the hang at wait for host. Description.ext hasn't been edited properly, or you're actually getting a BE kick and it's not telling you. Either way, the logs will let you know which one it is.

Do I just simply over write my server_monitor with that one and I'm good?

You'd have to edit the file SchwEde linked, it's just a clean file that I uploaded because of problems with the server_monitor, it has the code that my instructions tell you to find.
Thanks I'm going to have to start again though as I've updated to now lol. Hope it works! By the way the .sql file I'm told to run in the database had errors. So I made a table called "deployable" and added 2 fields - id and class_name is that correct?
Thanks I'm going to have to start again though as I've updated to now lol. Hope it works! By the way the .sql file I'm told to run in the database had errors. So I made a table called "deployable" and added 2 fields - id and class_name is that correct?

The only dayz_server file to change was server_monitor.sqf, and the only change to the mission files was the change in version number so you don't really need to start all over again. :)

Oh, though for don't use the file SchwEde linked as the file works great now. I've updated the readme in my fix (in my sig) for adding the base building edits to the server_monitor.sqf.
Brilliant! And what about my database did I do that correctly?

Ah sorry, totally forgot about that part haha. What schema are you running that you don't already have the needed tables?

If you've not got them, then you'll need two tables; 'deployable' and 'instance_deployable'. You can run this as an SQL query to create the tables.
  `id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `class_name` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `uq1_deployable` (`class_name`)
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `instance_deployable` (
  `id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `unique_id` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
  `deployable_id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `owner_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `instance_id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
  `worldspace` varchar(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '[0,[0,0,0]]',
  `inventory` varchar(2048) NOT NULL DEFAULT '[]',
  `created` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  `Hitpoints` varchar(500) NOT NULL DEFAULT '[]',
  `Fuel` double(13,0) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `Damage` double(13,0) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `idx1_instance_deployable` (`deployable_id`),
  KEY `idx2_instance_deployable` (`owner_id`),
  KEY `idx3_instance_deployable` (`instance_id`)

Can someone help me? I keep getting kicked for Battleye Restriction: Create Vehicle #61 everytime I try to build a Fortified Nest. No problem I thought, I went to my battleye filters and placed this in createvehicles.txt:

1 "Land_" !="Land_Fire_DZ" !="Land_fort_bagfence_long" !="Land_BagFenceRound" !="Land_fortified_nest_big" !="Land_Fort_Watchtower" !="Land_fort_rampart_EP1" !="Land_HBarrier_large" !="Land_fortified_nest_small" !="Land_Misc_Cargo2E" !="Land_pumpa" !="Land_CncBlock" !="Land_prebehlavka" !="Land_tent_east" !="Land_CamoNetB_EAST" !="Land_CamoNetB_NATO" !="Land_CamoNetVar_EAST" !="Land_CamoNetVar_NATO" !="Land_CamoNet_EAST" !="Land_CamoNet_NATO"

It doesn't work. Have I done something wrong here? I got these from Daimyo's github.

Can someone help me? I keep getting kicked for Battleye Restriction: Create Vehicle #61 everytime I try to build a Fortified Nest. No problem I thought, I went to my battleye filters and placed this in createvehicles.txt:

1 "Land_" !="Land_Fire_DZ" !="Land_fort_bagfence_long" !="Land_BagFenceRound" !="Land_fortified_nest_big" !="Land_Fort_Watchtower" !="Land_fort_rampart_EP1" !="Land_HBarrier_large" !="Land_fortified_nest_small" !="Land_Misc_Cargo2E" !="Land_pumpa" !="Land_CncBlock" !="Land_prebehlavka" !="Land_tent_east" !="Land_CamoNetB_EAST" !="Land_CamoNetB_NATO" !="Land_CamoNetVar_EAST" !="Land_CamoNetVar_NATO" !="Land_CamoNet_EAST" !="Land_CamoNet_NATO"

It doesn't work. Have I done something wrong here? I got these from Daimyo's github.

Try searching for 5 "nest_" and adding the ones with nest_ in them to that too.
Also, you may want to check 5 "B_" for the camo net B variants, and 5 "Fort_" for the ones with fort_ in them. Note, they may be 1s instead of 5s.
Ah sorry, totally forgot about that part haha. What schema are you running that you don't already have the needed tables?

If you've not got them, then you'll need two tables; 'deployable' and 'instance_deployable'. You can run this as an SQL query to create the tables.
  `id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `class_name` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `uq1_deployable` (`class_name`)
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `instance_deployable` (
  `id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `unique_id` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
  `deployable_id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `owner_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `instance_id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
  `worldspace` varchar(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '[0,[0,0,0]]',
  `inventory` varchar(2048) NOT NULL DEFAULT '[]',
  `created` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  `Hitpoints` varchar(500) NOT NULL DEFAULT '[]',
  `Fuel` double(13,0) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `Damage` double(13,0) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `idx1_instance_deployable` (`deployable_id`),
  KEY `idx2_instance_deployable` (`owner_id`),
  KEY `idx3_instance_deployable` (`instance_id`)

Thansk Rosska you've been a brilliant help I'll get stuck into this in a little bit and let you know how I got on! Thanks for the awesome support! :D
Try searching for 5 "nest_" and adding the ones with nest_ in them to that too.
Also, you may want to check 5 "B_" for the camo net B variants, and 5 "Fort_" for the ones with fort_ in them. Note, they may be 1s instead of 5s.

Rosska, always coming to my aide. Cheers man, you the best.
hey rosska,
just tried your fix with the new fix for base-building. Everything seems to be working. No Buildings floating around and everything is getting updated in DB. There is only one problem:

My Key-Panels are floating, because of that they dont accept the codes :(
The Panels build before floating and the new build one floating after a restart

What i did:
updated the fn-selfaction and the server-monitor. After this didnt worked well i only set the server-monitor back to the backup and it works like it should. But i would really like to use the right files. Hope you can help me again with this one :)
Maybe you can share your server_monitor.sqf with me again :D

EDIT: here is my server_monitor.sql ( with the fix:
hey rosska,
just tried your fix with the new fix for base-building. Everything seems to be working. No Buildings floating around and everything is getting updated in DB. There is only one problem:

My Key-Panels are floating, because of that they dont accept the codes :(
The Panels build before floating and the new build one floating after a restart

What i did:
updated the fn-selfaction and the server-monitor. After this didnt worked well i only set the server-monitor back to the backup and it works like it should. But i would really like to use the right files. Hope you can help me again with this one :)
Maybe you can share your server_monitor.sqf with me again :D

You've got the same server_monitor.sqf as I'm using already. Seaweed mentioned the same problem so I'll go take a look and get back to you.
Sorry just one last quick question. What do I need to add to my BE filters? I've got all the latest BE filters for but I'm not sure exactly what I need to add? I don't want to just over write the files. Thankyou!
Ok, got it fixed. Damned things just being annoying.

Find this
                    if (_type in SafeObjects) then {
                        if (_object isKindOf "TentStorage" || _object isKindOf "CamoNet_DZ" || _object isKindOf "Land_A_tent") then {
                            //_pos = [_type, _pos, _booleans] call fn_niceSpot;
                            _pos set [2,0];
                            _object setPosATL _pos;
                            _object addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled",{_this call vehicle_handleServerKilled;}];

Add after that
// ##### BASE BUILDING 1.2 Server Side ##### - START
                        //This tells infostands to play ball and stop floating
                        if (_object isKindOf "Infostand_2_EP1") then {
                            _pos set [2,0];
                            _object setPosATL _pos;
// ##### BASE BUILDING 1.2 Server Side ##### - END

I've added this to the readme in my zip file.

Sorry just one last quick question. What do I need to add to my BE filters? I've got all the latest BE filters for but I'm not sure exactly what I need to add? I don't want to just over write the files. Thankyou!

Here is my full list of BE changes for Base Building, the // lines are what to find, not telling you to comment them out, the tabbed lines under them are what to add to those lines. There is a chance I may have missed one or two, since I've got a couple of things set to 1 just now for other scripts. If anybody has some that I've missed please post them and I'll add them to the list. (Also included this in the zip now.)

//################### Base Building 1.2 ##############################
    //5 "B_"
        !"Land_CamoNetB_EAST" !"Land_CamoNetB_NATO"
    //5 "5 "Nest_"
        !"Land_fortified_nest_big" !"Land_fortified_nest_small"
    //5 "Fort_"
        !"Fort_RazorWire" !"Land_fort_bagfence_long" !"Land_Fort_Watchtower" !"Land_fort_rampart_EP1"
    //5 !="remExField"
    //5 ""
    //5 !"USEC_"
Ok, got it fixed. Damned things just being annoying.

Find this
                    if (_type in SafeObjects) then {
                        if (_object isKindOf "TentStorage" || _object isKindOf "CamoNet_DZ" || _object isKindOf "Land_A_tent") then {
                            //_pos = [_type, _pos, _booleans] call fn_niceSpot;
                            _pos set [2,0];
                            _object setPosATL _pos;
                            _object addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled",{_this call vehicle_handleServerKilled;}];

Add after that
// ##### BASE BUILDING 1.2 Server Side ##### - START
                        //This tells infostands to play ball and stop floating
                        if (_object isKindOf "Infostand_2_EP1") then {
                            _pos set [2,0];
                            _object setPosATL _pos;
// ##### BASE BUILDING 1.2 Server Side ##### - START

I've added this to the readme in my zip file.

Here is my full list of BE changes for Base Building, the // lines are what to find, not telling you to comment them out, the tabbed lines under them are what to add to those lines. There is a chance I may have missed one or two, since I've got a couple of things set to 1 just now for other scripts. If anybody has some that I've missed please post them and I'll add them to the list. (Also included this in the zip now.)

//################### Base Building 1.2 ##############################
    //5 "B_"
        !"Land_CamoNetB_EAST" !"Land_CamoNetB_NATO"
    //5 "5 "Nest_"
        !"Land_fortified_nest_big" !"Land_fortified_nest_small"
    //5 "Fort_"
        !"Fort_RazorWire" !"Land_fort_bagfence_long" !"Land_Fort_Watchtower" !"Land_fort_rampart_EP1"
    //5 !="remExField"
    //5 ""

Dude you're like GODLIKE support! Thanks man! :)
Ok, got it fixed. Damned things just being annoying.

Find this
                    if (_type in SafeObjects) then {
                        if (_object isKindOf "TentStorage" || _object isKindOf "CamoNet_DZ" || _object isKindOf "Land_A_tent") then {
                            //_pos = [_type, _pos, _booleans] call fn_niceSpot;
                            _pos set [2,0];
                            _object setPosATL _pos;
                            _object addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled",{_this call vehicle_handleServerKilled;}];

Add after that
// ##### BASE BUILDING 1.2 Server Side ##### - START
                        //This tells infostands to play ball and stop floating
                        if (_object isKindOf "Infostand_2_EP1") then {
                            _pos set [2,0];
                            _object setPosATL _pos;
// ##### BASE BUILDING 1.2 Server Side ##### - END

I've added this to the readme in my zip file.


I dont have this part of code :confused:

my server_monitor
Rosska I done everything that was said to do but I'm not sure what I've missed exactly... Could you check my files for me please? It would probably be easier for me to give you FTP access so you can get what you need? Could you add me on steam? Or join my teamspeak server? (Steam $toney / TS3
Rosska I done everything that was said to do but I'm not sure what I've missed exactly... Could you check my files for me please? It would probably be easier for me to give you FTP access so you can get what you need? Could you add me on steam? Or join my teamspeak server? (Steam $toney / TS3

Sorry I forgot to say it's saying "Wait For Host" for all players

I can't actually get on to TS just now man, got a lot of noise around me and keep having to nip off from the PC. If you send me your files though (mission file and server file) I can take a look at them. Also, check your server and local RPT logs, they will probably have the problem listed in them. It's most likely that their is still code in description.ext that shouldn't be, or a BE filter kick that just isn't telling you it's kicking you. I'm happy to look through it though. :)