Battleeye Filter Script Discussion


Well-Known Member
my Script log says :

24.05.2014 22:08:09: Canadian Pizza ( d41b0d3570a6c6e8e458a5802756a6d2 - #92 "; _dummy = [_this,"players"] execVM "\ca\ui\scripts\dedicatedServerInterface.sqf";"

25.05.2014 10:19:07: Groks ( 3cc027fe20fd649193c6191725c004c8 - #92 "; _dummy = [_this,"players"] execVM "\ca\ui\scripts\dedicatedServerInterface.sqf";"

25.05.2014 10:28:48: krit45 ( f9f864182e121df31a474e5c9752fc2c - #92 "; _dummy = [_this,"players"] execVM "\ca\ui\scripts\dedicatedServerInterface.sqf";"

Are those Guys scripter(Cheater) ?
these guys tried to open the controlpanel where you can login as admin and kick/ban players... etc...

no real need to worry about...
So open the control pannel means Shift+P ?
Ok thank you ^^

If i only know his GUID is there a way to ban him permanetly ?
10:45:13 " Log: 0h 44min | palkin (129514246) | Script (startup.sqf) |DayZ Instance: 1|"
check your logfiles... and search for his playerid... 129514246 and then check the previous/next lines in the logfile for the be guid...

or you could also set his playerid on the blacklist of the antihack...
19:53:59 Error in expression <if (typeName (closeDisplay) == 'STRING') then
19:53:59 Error position: <closeDisplay) == 'STRING') then
19:53:59 Error Undefined variable in expression: closedisplay
19:53:59 Error in expression <if (typeName (setVehicleInit) == 'STRING') then
19:53:59 Error position: <setVehicleInit) == 'STRING') then
19:53:59 Error Undefined variable in expression: setvehicleinit
19:53:59 Error in expression <if (typeName (removeAllEventHandlers) == 'STRING') the>
19:53:59 Error position: <removeAllEventHandlers) == 'STRING') the>
19:53:59 Error Undefined variable in expression: removealleventhandlers

I got this strange log file iin my arma2.rpt
anyone has an idea what could be the problem ?
the game dosnt like the variables closedisplay,setvehicleinit or removealleventhandlers
basically there not defined correctly in there script/code

depending on wht they do you define them as blank on server start

(i may be totally wrong here so guys feel free to chime in!)
while {1 == 1} do
call compile format ['if (typeName (%1) == ''STRING'') then
"+_randvar10+" = [(''SERVER ALERT!''),''ANTIANTIHACK FOUND - %1 HAS BEEN BROKEN - RESTART THE SERVER!'','''','''',''''];
publicVariableServer ''"+_randvar10+"'';
endMission ''END1'';forceEnd;
} forEach ['closeDisplay','processInitCommands','setVehicleInit','removeAllEventHandlers','addEventHandler','allowDamage','forceEnd'];

this is in my ah.sqf in line 143

Could there be a problem with the latest beta patch ( 112555 ) ?
Cause I get this error log above since the latest one.
Well does anyone have a idea if this are cheats ?
26.06.2014 20:23:15: Sp00neriZzZm (x.y.z.w:7777) deadbreaddeadbread - #77 "vehicle removeMagazineTurret [_ammo,_turret];
_vehicle addMagazineTurret [_ammo,_turret];
player removeMagazine _ammo;
cutText ["
