BE Script.txt script.log debug

From the reading that I have done, I search the script.log for the error number to get the text that caused the restriction. In this example I find the following:

09.06.2013 21:35:07: XXXX (44.4444.444.44440 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - #111 "bal _crate;
clearBackpackCargoGlobal _crate;

_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["M4A1_AIM", 4];
_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["M4A1_A"

Now Also from my reading I know that I am supposed to put a \ in front of the quote marks inside the value so that BE will not think they are the ending of the string. But what about the carriage returns? I also notice that the string above is short 1 quote, do I add it? Do I encase the whole string in new quote marks and comment out all of the existing ones?

I know someone is going to say "Just change it to a 1" or "just erase scripts.txt all together, it sucks" but I am learning something fun here so I'd rather do it the right way and learn to fix it.

Could one of ya'll solve this one for me and please explain the logic so that I, and any others who find this post, can learn from it?


Actually yea, I have. The thing that I didn't understand back then was that I didn't need to exclude everything in the error. Just the part around the offending word. For example, in the above example line #111 in my scripts.txt file was actually

5 addWeaponCargoGlobal  !"bunch of exemptions"

So I then look at the error text and see 2 occurrences of the offending word "addWeaponCargoGlobal" so the first thing I would try is adding !"_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal " to the exemption like this

5 addweaponcargoglobal !"_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal" !"bunch of other exemptions"

Also keep in mind that sometimes your offending code will need a quotation mark which the BE script uses to define terms. In these cases you must remark out the quotations. For example if your offending code was

addWeaponCargoGlobal ["M4A1_AIM", 4]

Then you would need to comment out the quotes like this

!"addWeaponCargoGlobal [\"M4A1_AIM\", 4]"

Do a little more reading, using some of my terms as keyword searches and you'll get it in no time.

Having said all of that, and please correct me if any of that was wrong, most of the time when I was researching this I found a lot of "BE Sucks anyway just turn it off " threads. Now, I am by no means an expert at this. Heck, I wouldn't even say I am good at this lol. But I have learned that Battleye is great for protecting against skiddies. It's also really good for reporting custom errors. For example, in my base protection scripts I have BE logging when someone is killed from trying to steal from another players base. Anti-Hax like Blur, TSW, Gotcha, and the like are great at notifying you when someone is up to something and in detecting new hacks when you keep them updated but nothing is better than active Admins with the ability to investigate and temp ban suspicious activity.

I am still learning about Anti-Hacks so my opinion may differ in a few weeks but keep reading and learn how to use the tools and make sure you empower your Admins! They don't need to teleport and spawn anything, just give them ESP, map markers, and spectate and make sure to back up your database every 10-15 minutes.

Good luck pal, hope this helps you.
Thanks for the answer man :) I just figured it out as well...I forgot to put an exception
5 addWeaponCargoGlobal !"CareCrate.sqf"," for my .sqf...I put it everywhere but not where it was supposed to go...I guess 3h trying to figure out scripts.txt does that to a brain .lol

On a second note though....(since we are probably using the same script)....isnt your createvehicle.txt complaining with #2 kicks ? like: #2 "USBasicWeaponsBox" 18:15 [10738,644,7]

I tried everything there....adding an exception to my script and the US box as well....but didnt work.
Was yours complaining as well ?

Basically this:
_classname = "USBasicWeaponsBox";
_crate = createVehicle [_className, _mypos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

is causing the kick. Did you put anything in your createvehicle to disable it ?

Thanks again.
yeah i managed to fix it today. had to add the .sqfs to be sure.
I was trying to add today in the server with no success...i added all the origins addActions in it, tweaked it as much as i could but nothing....even tried enabling origins14.sqf and play with that (its included in the server.pbo) but with no success....Clients get a black screen and a Waiting Authorization bug for ever.

Besides Gotcha have you implemented any anti-hack on your server ?
Before Origins, i had my own little thing running but its not compatible with Origins. I think during this weekend i'll adapt it to Origins. I'll send it to you when i am done.