Best take clothes script?

I'm somewhat new to the forums so please forgive me if I am in the wrong section of the forum.

I'm working on my own server and am trying to find the best and most simple script for take clothes. I'm new to this so I'm assuming its easy enough to do for a new scripter like myself.

Anyone good ones to look at?

Depends on what you're looking for. There is one that requires editing your fn_selfActions and adds a scroll menu when looking at bodies, it works pretty well. There is also one that I did that adds the players skin to their inventory when they die, so you can just loot it off of them. Both work well, both have different perks. It depends on what you want :p
I'm somewhat new to the forums so please forgive me if I am in the wrong section of the forum.

I'm working on my own server and am trying to find the best and most simple script for take clothes. I'm new to this so I'm assuming its easy enough to do for a new scripter like myself.

Anyone good ones to look at?


I know its a late response but if you are still needing this check out here: