[Beta Testers] Bug reporting format


Valued Member!
Staff member
Type of bug:

What happened:

Map Location (Take picture or if you can, get coordinates with gps.) if applicable:

Picture if applicable:
Type of bug: AN2 at Balota Airfield spawns inside a Fence

What happened: it´s unusable

Map Location (Take picture or if you can, get coordinates with gps.) if applicable: Balota airfield

Picture if applicable:--


Type of bug: Still able to switch into female clothing as a male charcater

What happened: I was playing as a male, and I found a Female Friendly Medic Outfit, and I was able to change into it.

Map Location (Take picture or if you can, get coordinates with gps.) if applicable: Everywhere

Picture if applicable: --
Type of bug: Weapon Cust. Screen flickers/disappears

We are aware of this and can hotfix it without client modifications


Type of bug: Build reciepe entry in the scroll menue gets multiplied

What happened: happens when having a item suiteable for basebuilding

Map Location (Take picture or if you can, get coordinates with gps.) if applicable:

Picture if applicable:
Type of bug: - Loot/Inventory

What happened: - have found several loot items in guard shacks that have no icon or name/description-only count.

Map Location (Take picture or if you can, get coordinates with gps.) if applicable: - at eastern edge of elektro guardshack with desk and bin inside

Picture if applicable:
Type of bug: - Building Placement/Elevation

What happened: - Located a supermarket and firestation that are underground . Firestation is enterable but with grass floor,- Supermarket is 3/4 underground and un-enterable

Map Location (Take picture or if you can, get coordinates with gps.) if applicable: - Elektro [South of The Hotel]

Picture if applicable: -2 pics (same supermarket)






Type of bug: - Loot/Inventory

What happened: - have found several loot items in guard shacks that have no icon or name/description-only count.

Map Location (Take picture or if you can, get coordinates with gps.) if applicable: - at eastern edge of elektro guardshack with desk and bin inside

Picture if applicable:

This stuff spawns at industrial spawns and crash sites and is a kind of bag like the watch or m203 ammo. Just as a little addition :)