Blanket Loot Spawn Suppression


Valued Member!
I want to add a blanket 50% reduction on all items. Is there a way to do a random roll that gives everything a 50% chance to be replaced by tin cans or something?
If anyone was wondering this as well, I found the solution.

If you have a spawn_loot.sqf for loot substitution, you just have to add the following:

_emptyChance = (round(random 100)+1);
if( _emptyChance > 75) then {
if (_emptyChance > 85) then {
  _iItem = "TrashTinCan";
  _canType = "TrashTinCan";
  _iClass = "Junk";
} else {
  _iItem = "ItemSodaEmpty";
  _canType = "ItemSodaEmpty";
  _iClass = "Junk";

above the first switch.. this does a random roll, and then checks if it is above 75 (suppress by 75%), and then if it's above 85 make it a tin can, if it's not make it an empty soda can. so roughly 60% chance it will be a soda if it gets suppressed.

If you would rather have the item just disappear, do the follwing:

_emptyChance = (round(random 100)+1);
if( _emptyChance > 75) then {
_iItem = "";
_canType = "";
_iClass = "";
If you don't have loot substitution on, google "Loot Substitution DayZ" and go to the thread labeled "Loot Substitution and Suppression". That will tell you how to customize your loot tables.