Block ESC key?


New Member
As far I have seen, most actions that are abused by alt+f4 are made by hitting esc and performing ALT+F4 in game menu. Sometimes it is performed right after some action, like copying or dying. Is it possible to make something like hourglass in some actions (like dying) or at least block ESC anyway? It is really annoying that ppl can abuse combat log system or copy using this.

I know this is possible somehow cause you can't enter menu while unconscious.
I also found that you can avoid zeds attacking you by simply hitting the esc key a few times. Try it yourself, run around and get a ton of zeds to follow you, then stop and let them catch up. Stand in the middle of your new friends and chat for a while, every time they agro simply hit esc a few times which causes the scripts to lock up and zeds to stop attacking.
really the fix for this then is to use something like the disco bot and a keybind to esc so that when you hit esc you just get kicked to the lobby while your character stays in game.

no more alt +f4 no more esc to kill the fsm, this is all something that can be done in the init.sqf infact
Yeah, I always reset keystrokes while in combat :)

Thanks for help Xyberviri, will try bot instead of active combat.