Bug where people have trouble getting in vehicles together, somehow related to humanity or killing..


OpenDayZ Rockstar!
Have had this bug plaguing my server for some time now. I think it might be related to SARGE AI? Basically, if you're in a vehicle with friends driving around, you see AI or a player, get out and kill said player/AI, you'll have trouble getting back in the car with people. Everyone will have to hop out and figure out who has to get into the vehicle in what order so others can enter. Logging to the lobby and/or changing clothes seems to fix this until your humanity is lower/raised again somehow. This is driving people nuts, and I haven't heard about this on other servers. Any ideas?
There was a testing variable that he was working on, but I'm not sure it ever made it to the official version.
Just took a peak at the DZAI and honestly, it looks awful compared to sarge. It allows you almost no customizable control and if you have extra buildings called in the mission file, the AI can see and shoot through them. I like SARGE because I can really customize the loadout and set up my own static spawns. Maybe I want one heli patrol on, while I turn the rest off. Looks like you can't do any of that with DZAI. Plus they're all bandits. Having had AI on my server a long time, most players Ive encountered prefer to have some friendly AI that will not engage them whilst they loot. I like that it influences your choice to become a bandit or hero even further than the normal gameplay.

I suppose the vehicle glitch is a small price to pay for all of that, but Im still interested in a possible fix if anyones come across one, or possibly something SARGE has mentioned in the past?
I feel like it wasn't an issue with the newest version of SARGE but there were a lot of invisible AI and the AI wouldn't obey the configurations I set in the config.sqf. For instance they would steal vehicles when I had that turned off.
AI can shoot through client-sided buildings no matter if you're using DZAI or Sarge, FYI. The only difference is that DZAI offers a fix for it. If you think there are no customizable controls then you obviously haven't looked around the config files.
AI can shoot through client-sided buildings no matter if you're using DZAI or Sarge, FYI. The only difference is that DZAI offers a fix for it. If you think there are no customizable controls then you obviously haven't looked around the config files.

Ive not had any problems with this on my server that I am aware so this is indeed news to me.

I did not look at any of the files because I was at work, and I replied in a very short period of time. I was going by the description. In the description, it clearly states the AI gear is randomly drawn directly from the loot tables and is quite sparse. This is critical to me. I give AI weapons that are not on the loot tables, and gear them with a quantity and quality of items of my choice.

I will of course, now that Im home from work, look into the config and see what is customizable. Thanks for your information.
AI can shoot through client-sided buildings no matter if you're using DZAI or Sarge, FYI. The only difference is that DZAI offers a fix for it. If you think there are no customizable controls then you obviously haven't looked around the config files.

So you are saying if we stream the buildings to the client via server pbo, then they can't shoot through walls?
So you are saying if we stream the buildings to the client via server pbo, then they can't shoot through walls?

What the "patch" does is spawn in the objects into the server as local objects just like what is done clientside, except the server spawns in all objects at once while the client spawns/despawns objects as needed. The end result is that the server and clients each spawn in their own local objects that they can interact with. I haven't noticed any FPS drops server-side so the performance cost seems to be minimal.

The client-sided buildings/objects that DZAI "patches" is limited to the ones spawned in by the CfgTownGenerator. Examples of these buildings include the military and medical camps at Cherno, Stary, and Balota, and the wrecks and rubble scattered around Chernarus. This fix is especially important for Overwatch since a large number of buildings were moved to the CfgTownGenerator.
Enabling this patch simply means the server can see the cfgtowngenerator objects like the client. So this will apply to all AI spawned by the server.

Without this fix, you could be hiding behind a truck wreck, but the AI will simply see you crouching in the open and will be able to shoot you, but not the other way around. This patch prevents this by happening, so wrecks can be properly used as cover.
but seemingly this patch is completely useless for custom buildings? Only for buildings and objects added by the devs?
Custom buildings are usually spawned serverside anyways so the issue shouldn't be present for either DZAI or Sarge AI. Check if your custom buildings are spawned using the createVehicle command. If they are, then they're both clientside and side since createVehicle is a global command.
Dangerrus, to return back to the topic, I had the same bug of people not being able to get in vehicles together. You have to respawn all your cars. When I spawned a new car all could enter it, but not with cars that were there BEFORE installing Sarge AI.

Hope it helps!
Ruubje I appreciate the insight but this happens on my server regardless of when the vehicle was spawned. I have lots of vehicles on my server and Im constantly spawning in more for the restarts.
My team noticed that it may have something to do with the clothing. If all three of us were wearing ghillie suits, no problem. But once one of us died and was back in survivor clothing, they couldn't get into the vehicle with us. Once we all started wearing survivor clothes all the time, the problem has never happened since.
There is no fix that I have seen the only way you can get in is if you all dis and reconnect. Its a pain but it works.