Bugs that I can't solve, vehicle randomly disappear, towing more than 1 vehicle


So after I looked on the Internet I didn't find something to help, we have a 2 problem, first we have randomly vehicle disappear, people buy it bring it to camp then after restart its not there but in our data base you can see it.
Was looking for the server cleanup but I don't know why Its not there. I looked in the dayz_server and DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus but there is no CleanupPlacedAfterDays.

Sec people on my server can tow like 5 vehicles in the same time. I never find any information about that.

For information we use infiSTAR.de

Little help would be appreciated to make my player happy.

You can also add me on steam HisPetite (green butterfly avatar)