Bugs with dayz or just me?

wait...what host is everyone using that allows admins to teleport and move vehicles? we can't do that on either one of our CMR servers.

You can edit the worldspace for players and vehicles through your database, which is kind of like teleporting. However, editing the players worldspace requires them to be, at least, backed up into the lobby and editing vehicle worldspace would require a serve restart.

You can also do these tasks with some admin tools such as TSW anti-hack.
All this does is to display "Something went wrong" after a Minute and not after 40 seconds... not realy a fix. i would love to try out the old" custom faster login-process mod" but he deleted the github with his sourcecode after came out :(

19:59:52  Error Nullteiler
19:59:52 File z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf, line 186
19:59:52 Error in expression < addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x,(_objWpnQty select _countr)];
_countr = _count>
19:59:52  Error position: <select _countr)];
_countr = _count>

 _object addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x,(_objWpnQty select _countr)];
We use DayZ.st as well, followed these instructions, now getting this error then a black screen in-game:

Hey, I sorry but I personally don't know the DayZ.st file structure well enough to be able to help you with this one. It's clear that they have customized a few things on their end. Maybe if you post your mission file, someone could take a look.
It seems the database is clogging up so to speak. Something def different from 1.7.5 to 1.7.6. I am not running but it all sounds like the same issue. Wish I could easily roll back.
I wonder if it has something to do with the player magazine checks that happen like every 15 seconds. I noticed in my arma rpt a lot of pending writes.
Check the rolling changelog for next update:

Next Build
Community Change log:

* [Prerequisites] New mission file downloaded from (http://www.silentspy...sion-generator/)
* [Prerequisites] Battleye filters must be updated manually by server admins.

* [NEW] - Removed annoying "re-arm" option from actions menu
* [NEW] - Added Clear ground to crash sites (http://i.imgur.com/uVDfGym.jpg)
* [NEW] - Models and textures for mutton.
* [NEW] - Seperate meat for goats, same blood regen as mutton.
* [NEW] - Can now combine magazines.
* [NEW] - Added new loot & table for church.
* [NEW] - Added new food and drink items (only found in supermarkets).
* [NEW] - Added model for a dropped map and watch.
* [NEW] - Weapon MakarovSD (Military, Military Special).
* [NEW] - Weapon RPK_74 (Mi8 Helicrash).
* [NEW] - Vehicle Damage in Percent (With a Toolbox).
* [NEW] - 5L Fuel can takes 1 inv slot.
* [NEW] - Zeds can now push players to the ground when attacked from behind.
* [NEW] - Bigger Compass (You can see the number of degrees).
* [NEW] - Added auth retry system to make sure clients are authed before they spawn (should stop seagull issue).
* [NEW] - Added force end mission for players joining with wrong version/failed auth. (Will replace timout later).

* [FIXED] - Vehicle Repair/Refuel should now always work correctly.
* [FIXED] - M107 & AS50 Lock on system removed.
* [FIXED] - Humanity skin change can now change during game play in all directions. (No longer have to die to change from hero to normal to bandit and vice versa)
* [FIXED] - StudyBody should now work
* [FIXED] - Crashsite loot should now spawn correct for all types of Crash model.
* [FIXED] - Hero Skin teleport issue.
* [FIXED] - BAF Bags so they don't set on fire. :) (no moaning it was a bug)
* [FIXED] - Updated timeout timer from 40 secs to 60 secs, Should allow lower end system to keep up. (Something went wrong, please disconnect and try again!)

* [UPDATED] - Reset action alert of zeds, Zeds hearing from actions is now reset back to (Max sight/hearing from movement forced to 80 meters)
* [UPDATED] - Updated rabbit to drop 2 raw food items. Lowered hp gain to Raw - 200 each / Cooked - 800 each.
* [UPDATED] - Moved anti teleport system to mission. Server admins can choose to enable/disable. (See prerequisites)
* [UPDATED] - M107 lowered chance in loot tables.
* [UPDATED] - AS50 lowered chance in loot tables.
* [UPDATED] - ALL loot table weights have been updated.
* [UPDATED] - Updated Czech, German, Spanish, French and Russian stringtable.
* [UPDATED] - CrashSite Loot should now represent each type of model more. (("MilitaryWEST","HeliCrashWEST") Two new crash site loot tables)
* [UPDATED] - Zed spawn timer to 5 mins from 2 mins this should allow an area to be cleared of zeds before more spawn.
* [UPDATED] - Readded Save option to tent and vehicles this is a fail save option. (Due to a small amount of servers reporting issues with tents saving. With no info for us to recreate we readded this option to save tents/vehicles)
* [UPDATED] - Zeds overall dmg has been updated per hit/per zed (Max possible dmg if headshot = 1200 blood, Max body dmg = 600 blood, Legs = 100, Hands = 50)
* [UPDATED] - Bleed from zed attacks will now only happen if the initial dmg is above 0.7 or the zed gives a head shot. (should reduce the amount of bandages needed)

Side Notes. (in testing)
Damage multiply is now done from 0.1 to 1 changed from 0.3 to 1.2
Body,Legs,Hands now have a separate scale (body 600, Legs 100, Hands 50, Head 1200) (This is max possible damage if multiply = 1)
When unconscious Scale is reduced to 50 no mater the part hit. (allow's for some survival chance when knocked out)
Unconsciours now has a 50/50 chance if multiply is above 0.8
Bleed now only happens if multiply is above 0.7
Sight and sound chances readded so zeds can ignore you.
Hey guys, so I bypassed the anti-tp script by moving the playermonitor SQF and FSM files. Everything works great except now the custom loadouts don't work. Is this a known bug? Any work around?
Anyone gettign an error where when you die you respawn where you died with your gear?

Wolf, I know this is an old post but hey, if you never got it fixed lol I had the same error. Double check your init.sqf file.

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\setup_functions_med.sqf";

That needs to be called correctly or you don't get moved to the coast after death.
Sure thing. Make sure you make backups prior to any changes you make.

The main file you want to focus on is "player_monitor.fsm" which is located in the system folder of dayz_code.pbo (extracted). Line 1115 is where the antihack is executed:
 "[] execVM ""\z\addons\dayz_code\system\antihack.sqf"";" \n
If you were to make any changes to this file at this stage, no players will be able to join your server. This is what you need to do:

Step 1 - Copy "player_monitor.fsm" and "player_monitor.sqf" to your extracted mission file (dayz_1.Chernarus). You may now remove the antihack line quoted above in the "player_monitor.fsm" file that you had just copied over.

Step 2 - Edit "player_monitor.sqf" (The one you copied to your mision folder):
_id = [] execFSM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\player_monitor.fsm";
_id = [] execFSM "player_monitor.fsm";

Step 3 - Edit init.sqf in your mission file:
_playerMonitor =    [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\player_monitor.sqf";
_playerMonitor = [] execVM "player_monitor.sqf";

Pack your mission file back up and you're set. Credits go to Phenom for this fix.

well i've done all that u sayd there.. and then i connected to my server... now there's a problem...
i get always the "something went wrong pls try again" error... and everyone of my players too...

someone know what i've done wrong?

could upload my pbo if its needed (if someone can tell me where)
In your wardrobe fix you are talking about files I do not see or have on my server.

I have looked both is the system pbo and the mission pbo files.. .I do not see any of these files avail.

All I have installed are the wardrobe and animated heli crashes....

My mission folder comes out as dayz_mission and dayz_server. says nothing about dayz1.chenarus
well i've done all that u sayd there.. and then i connected to my server... now there's a problem...
i get always the "something went wrong pls try again" error... and everyone of my players too...

someone know what i've done wrong?

could upload my pbo if its needed (if someone can tell me where)
I executed the same instructions on Namalsk and now I have no player models, everyone is invisible. XD