Building Materials don't show when restoring backup SQL

Not sure where this should go so my apologizes on that, however I have a bit of a dilemma. I'm trying to transfer my server from one server to another and I've got my player uid's, logins, and other misc. but when I get to transfer the object_data file I get all the rows I should have (about 2100) but when I try to log into my server it drops to 892 rows and only imports vehicles and safes. Not building materials gets imported, I've notice this text line in between every 50 rows or so it the file when opened in notepad++

(296, 13165914029436270, 11, 'MetalFloor_DZ', '.......);
INSERT INTO `object_data` (`ObjectID`, `ObjectUID`, ....., `Damage`) VALUES
(297, 13160714029436270, 11, 'MetalFloor_DZ', '.......);

and not sure if this is grouped intentionally or because of the settings off the old php host. BTW, I'm transferring from HFB Servers to Vert Hosting, if that makes any differences.