Can anyone help with new traders in Epoch server?



As I have read almost every thread in here about 10 times I am searching for any help in a step by step how to add some new traders on my Epoch servers.

I have about 4 new cities and some have great market places and I wanted to expand trader posts as I have started to repopulate Chernarus after the infection. After adding over a dozen new fort/bases, a prison, couple gold mines and some new small cities and encampments I want to have some more traders.

Someone tried to help me with the database add and the tid files but I'm old and grumpy and not very smart so I need a little more info on what steps to do this. I know how to get world coordinates and direction facing through the 3d editor. I know how to format trader description and what they sell.

What I got stuck on is the adding new traders to database. If I could just add like 15 trader profiles in the database that can be spread around my new areas without conflicting with original epoch traders then my goal would be complete....for now.

I plan on having some of these areas heavily fortified, patrolled and ambushed with ai so its not just a walk in the park to talk to these new traders. I also want to utilize the damsel and hooker girls as I think you will all agree that those are the trader areas YOU would want to visit too??

Fact is that I have played many many servers and my own servers are always empty. I admined other servers and spent thousands of hours just playing but haven't seen any servers quite like mine with the amount of content.

At present I rely on heavy npc action to have someone to play with and probably not many of you would survive long like it is. If I get some constant players I will dial down my friends :)

Thanks in advance if anyone still plays dayz let me know.


Greenmountain is jumping ahead in content right now but Grumpyworld has similiar things plus missions that are not on Greenmountain


Greenmountain in the picture below Neither of these is For the Meek or For the Timid
16 days and 42 readers later I have no response..........guess this is a tough subject

I have two good servers working on a third but need a scripter to help me tune them up. I read all day and night on forums but hard to find good instructions. Anyone wanting to help promote and plug some donator into my setup just pm me. I have been adding content for about one year so some interesting structure.

Still combating client download size as I have music and sarge ai and buildings on client side

So if you wait long enough you see my world ....... everytime I go to server side its either authenticating/wait for server or can't find buildings folder which I have put in server.pbo root and tried server.pbo/missions/chernarus11 folder and called from server.function in init folder server side and tried calling from client side building have ever shown. Works fine on client side.

Anyway thanks for reading and just so you know Epoch is way better then Standalone