Cannot upgrade: 'the server is running version Survivor2_DZ'


New Member
When I try to enter the game it flashes black and says "You are running an inccorect version of Dayz: Namalsk, please download newest version from (You are running version 0.60 and the server is running version Survivor2_DZ)

Here is the thing. After this happens I can revert back to my latest Bliss packages and it's fine again. I just can't upgrade.
This has been happening to my for weeks every time I try to upgrade. I've reverted back to Namalsk .55 then back to .60. I'm running 1.7.3 Dayz and 97771 Arma 2.
This happens when building with lots of different variations of bliss packages.
This is driving me crazy!!!!!!!

Here is my Hive log

2012-11-16 16:30:44 Database.MySQLConnection: [Information] Connected to MySQL database client ver: 6.0.0 server ver: 5.5.27
2012-11-16 16:30:44 Database.MySQLConnection: [Information] Connected to MySQL database client ver: 6.0.0 server ver: 5.5.27
2012-11-16 16:30:44 Database.MySQLConnection: [Trace] Query [1 ms] SQL: select payload, loop_interval, start_delay from message where instance_id = 1
2012-11-16 16:30:44 Database.MySQLConnection: [Trace] Query [34 ms] SQL: select, v.class_name, null owner_id, iv.worldspace, iv.inventory,, iv.fuel, iv.damage from `instance_vehicle` iv join `world_vehicle` wv on iv.`world_vehicle_id` = wv.`id` join `vehicle` v on wv.`vehicle_id` = v.`id` where iv.`instance_id` = 1 union select id.`id`, d.`class_name`, id.`owner_id`, id.`worldspace`, id.`inventory`, '[]', 0, 0 from `instance_deployable` id inner join `deployable` d on id.`deployable_id` = d.`id` where id.`instance_id` = 1
2012-11-16 16:31:59 Database.MySQLConnection: [Trace] Query [1 ms] SQL: select `name` from `profile` WHERE `unique_id` = '77814086'
2012-11-16 16:31:59 Database.MySQLConnection: [Trace] Query [1 ms] SQL: select s.`id`, s.`worldspace`, s.`inventory`, s.`backpack`, timestampdiff(minute, s.`start_time`, s.`last_updated`) as `SurvivalTime`, timestampdiff(minute, s.`last_ate`, NOW()) as `MinsLastAte`, timestampdiff(minute, s.`last_drank`, NOW()) as `MinsLastDrank`, s.`model` from `survivor` s join `instance` i on s.`world_id` = i.`world_id` and i.`id` = 1 where s.`unique_id` = '77814086' and s.`is_dead` = 0
2012-11-16 16:31:59 Database.MySqlPreparedStatement: [Trace] Execute [56 ms] Statement: update `profile` set `name` = ? where `unique_id` = ? VALUES("Admin-Thorn", "77814086")
2012-11-16 16:31:59 Database.MySqlPreparedStatement: [Trace] Execute [57 ms] Statement: update `survivor` set `last_updated` = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP where `id` = ? VALUES(1291)
2012-11-16 16:32:00 Database.MySQLConnection: [Trace] Query [1 ms] SQL: select s.`worldspace`, s.`medical`, s.`zombie_kills`, s.`headshots`, s.`survivor_kills`, s.`bandit_kills`, s.`state`, p.`humanity` from `survivor` s join `profile` p on s.`unique_id` = p.`unique_id` where s.`id` = 1291

Here is my RPT log

10:31:59 "LOGIN ATTEMPT: "77814086" Admin-Thorn"
10:31:59 "READ/WRITE: ["PASS",false,"1291",[268,[5925.86,8700.64,0.002]],[["NVGoggles","Binocular","Makarov","ItemToolbox","ItemGPS","ItemMatchbox","ItemHatchet","ItemKnife","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemFlashlight","M249_DZ"],["ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","8Rnd_9x18_Makarov","FlareWhite_M203","ItemBloodbag","ItemMorphine","ItemPainkiller","FoodSteakCooked","200Rnd_556x45_M249","200Rnd_556x45_M249","200Rnd_556x45_M249","FoodSteakRaw"]],["DZ_ALICE_Pack_EP1",[[],[]],[[],[]]],[7015,0,0],"Survivor1_DZ",0.96]"
10:31:59 "LOGIN LOADED: B 1-1-A:1 (Admin-Thorn) REMOTE Type: Survivor1_DZ"
10:32:00 "Adding MPHit EH for B 1-1-A:1 (Admin-Thorn) REMOTE"
10:32:00 "READ/WRITE: ["PASS",[false,false,false,false,false,false,false,12000,[],[0.608,0],0,[966.358,250.016]],[54,21,0,0],["","amovpknlmstpsraswrfldnon",100],[268,[5925.86,8700.64,0.002]],3630]"
10:32:00 "LOGIN PUBLISHING: B 1-1-A:1 (Admin-Thorn) REMOTE Type: Survivor1_DZ"
Are you using carepackages or custom inventory? Mine gave me the same error until I build it without.
Last I heard you can't do that with Namalsk at the moment, you can only use a default build (no care packages or custom inventory etc.) Not sure what is at fault, Bliss or the map, but you will continue to get that error until you rebuild.