can't get SARGE AI working on my overwatch server


New Member
hi all i have been trying to get SARGE AI working on my server but having luck

i have all the flies in place and the codes but when i start the server all i get is waiting for host
plz help me
Are You Trying to put Sarge in a custom directory in your mission file?
I had the same problem until i moved it out of my custom folders and put the "addons" folder in my main MPmission directory and it worked fine
the addons folder is in dayz.overwatch the one with init.sqf,description.ext and missions.sqm

description.ext code in
#include "addons\SARGE\SAR_define.hpp"
init.sqf code in
//Sarge AI
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\UPSMON\scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf";
call compile preprocessfile "addons\SHK_pos\shk_pos_init.sqf";
[] execVM "addons\SARGE\SAR_AI_init.sqf";
guys I don't have an overwatch server but from reading this , it is installed exactly the same on overwatch as it is on regular dayz. Go to the SARGE forum and find the instructions in there. Its really rather simple.
the instruction does not work for overwatch I have it running perfectly fine on my epoch server but cant get it to work on my overwatch. 2.5
and there is no consise instruction anywhere . not even from SARGE himself.
I've had Sarge's AI working on other Maps in the past but OW 2.5 has me stumped. Anyone get Sarge's to work with OW 2.5?
Besides taz2171, who doesn't like to share :confused:

Edit: So been at this for a bit now and I still get "Wait For Host" when I packup Sarge's AI into the mission file. I've tried a fresh download of Sarge's without any modifications since "Wait for Host" is typically a syntax error. Checked the mission Description & Init several times and things do look correct as far as I can tell. Checked the .rpt and it says nothing in reference to Sarge's. So, still no joy. :(
Still nobody has gotten Sarge's AI to work with OW 0.2.5?
I have tried with every time ending with "Wait for Host" no matter what I've tried. DZAI works fine and I have no issue with getting that AI to work but I would like some of the features that Sarge AI gives.
Again I have gotten Sarge's AI to work on many other maps but OW is alluding me, any help from someone who has got this working with OW 0.2.5 would be groovy. Anyone!?

Edit: Now working!
Anyone still having issues try putting this:

#include "addons\SARGE\SAR_define.hpp"

At the very top of your Mission Description.EXT after all that I tried this simple thing fixed it. I really though I tried this before too, I guess I didn't :confused:
Thanks to Crazy over at