changing server or mission files problem


New Member
Hi new to the forum just started trying to tweak my server so dont shoot me if im posting at wrong place :) im running dayz control center 5.9.3 on a pc and playing on the same pc with a friend just for survival fun and we decided to modify a few things like loot, heli spawns, etc. googled all that but when ever I unpack a dayz_server.pbo or a dayz_code or mission file modify it with PBO manager then repack it I cant log on the server anymore without putting everything back the way it was anybody got a hint? last time i changed cfgbuildingloot and I got a signature error if I change anything on dayz_server i get stuck at loading we are playing on original dayz (not origins) in chernarus (apologise for typo) used dayz commander to put everything up to date and our arma 2 +dayzmod are from steam. thx for any hints