Chernarus DayZ - Old School DayZ Play - Game Nights - Care Packages - AND MORE!

This server can only be described as awesome.

Now I will be a hypocrite and describe it,
The server starts you out with minimal gear. If you've ever played in the good ole days you should be screaming for joy.

The server has new heli crash sites every 20 minutes. +1 Awesome points

The server has game nights twice a week (they're optional) +1 Awesome points

The server has random care package drop, 1-2 of them a day, so they're not spammed. (Doesn't include GREAT gear, so don't worry my fellow core dayz'ers.

The server has a large staff of admins that are on way too much for their own good and they are always there help. How? I'll get to that.

KILL STREAKS!! SURVIVAL STREAKS!! Whhhatttt?!! You might be asking..
Explanation: Survive for 5 days <-- actively playing OR get 5 bandit kills and you get a ,"Tactical Team" whenever you need one. This is in the event that you are swarmed by zombies and you a screwed, you tell an admin your location and a team of admins come and fight of all zombies, escort you 1000m. and heal you. DOES NOT WORK if you are in a gunfight against other players.

10 days survived or 10 bandits killed and you get a chopper gunner that comes in a destroys for 3 minutes against players or 8 minutes against zombies.

More to come.. and you cant just kill your bandit friends.. Good try.

This server makes coming upon a vehicle a great enjoyment because there are not too many. Just like the old days.

ServerName: NightsOfTerror
Port: 3374