clean server after hackers?


New Member
hey guys just wondering if anyone can help me i've had hackers spawning buildings and vehicles everywhere and just wondering how i get rid of them?
hey shannonmcb!
my cleaningup is very easy :)
i just edit the Guid id from my Vehicles from 1 - 60

and hacker vehicle will be spawn with

234709834579834 so you can see what vehicles are hacked!

now ive write a littel script to cleanup vehicle (not tents, or hegdogs) they delete all vehilce
they not in range from 1 - 60

;) your problem will befixed its a little sql code :D that you need to inser in your sql fuction PCleanup
im a server noob sorry i have restarted the server lots and they are still there they have skyscrapers in the ocean and all over the map as well as ships way out in the wilderness. if you could give me the steps to clean it up it would be great

can somebody tell me how i can backup my character data and the just completely reset my sql then set the character data back up so nobody loses their stuff it seems they have injected all the buildings and ships into my tables and i really want to get this cleaned up

Install my How-To guide on preventing persistent hacked vehicles. In your case, the buildings are acting as vehicles. Installing my fix will ensure only those vehicles spawned by your spawn function will remain on the server after restarts. (In simple terms, it deletes the hacked in objects)

A temp fix is deleting everything in object_data that is not a vehicle or tenr
Hey Doc

Thanks i did your how to's on vehicle spawns and this one you showed me my server starts up and runs with no problems the new procedures and functions all run with no errors but they do come back with 0 affected rows. it does not delete them out of my object_data or change the instance to 0 they only way i can make them not spawn is to go to every object and change the instance to 0. im an sql noob to is there a way i can mass delete these entries? there are over 1000 new objects that are not supposed to be there and its a lot of clicking to change the instance to 0

If you have set it up with your Legit code correctly, it should set the Instance to 0 and the Legit value to "NO" (I think) if an item is not legal. If 0 rows are responding, make sure everything has a Landmark value of 0 instead of NULL with the exception of your vehicles. It's designed to be more of a prevention than a cure, so getting it to clear existing objects will take some playing.