Create a Zed Pen - Help


Well-Known Member
I am trying to create a pen/warehouse where I can spawn 10 - 15 zeds. It is made to look like the infected were locked in. Like Hershel's farm in Series 2!

I have installed custom loot on my server which is working fine. I have added in an object (microphone_ep1) and assigned it loot and zed chance details in CfgBuildingPos.hpp. These details look like this:
    class Microphone1_ep1: Military {
        zombieClass[] = {"z_soldier_pilot","z_soldier_heavy"};
        zombieChance = 1;
        minRoaming = 10;
        maxRoaming = 15;
          lootPos[] = {{0.001,0.0001,0.0001}};

I then placed the microphone in the room for my zed pen. No zeds :-(

I am not very good at coding but if someone could point me in the right direction that would be awesome.
did you ever get this to work ?
I am trying the same thing but im spawning chopper crash sites to get the zedz. I like your idea better
No. I got caught up with updating to 1.8. It is still an idea I'm looking into though. I'll let you know if I get something working.
i have a huge pen with 20 or so crash sites toe get the zeds spawning but I need like 200 zeds in there I have a gun box in the middle but its still easy to get too.
if I could spawn in something like a dog house then somehow increase the zed count.
do you know where i adjust the number of zeds that spawn for a certain type of house or object ?
custom loot/zombie positions. Its in the dayz code, think each coordinate spawns one zombie, not quite sure though