Custom Buildings: Database vs. PBO

Is there a benefit to adding buildings to a server via database versus making a sqf in your mission.pbo? Or maybe vice-versa? I only ask because I cannot seem to add buildings to my server via database no matter how many tutorials I watch/read. Yet making a buildings.sqf and having my init execute it seemed to work no problem. Granted I am having an issue with buildings spawning in twice now.
Was just curious if anyone could talk nerdy to me and explain why one way might be supreme of the other. :)
Either way works fine, the benefit of using the database is to reduce the size of your mission files. To be honest I have buildings loading in using both methods.

If you have a bunch of buildings loading through the databse it can take a bit longer for the server to load on fisrt start because it needs to spawn all the buildings in at the beginning, server side.

The mission file size really is neglegable if it is 3mb or smaller so feel free to use both methods.

The issues you are having seems to be that the buildings from your sqf are loading on the client and the server, that is why you are getting duplicates. There should be a way that only the server loads the building from your .sqf,
you may want to check the sqf and make sure that it is only running on the server. At the top of the sqf you should have,
if (isServer) then {

and close it with,
at the end of the file.
Either way works fine, the benefit of using the database is to reduce the size of your mission files. To be honest I have buildings loading in using both methods.

If you have a bunch of buildings loading through the databse it can take a bit longer for the server to load on fisrt start because it needs to spawn all the buildings in at the beginning, server side.

The mission file size really is neglegable if it is 3mb or smaller so feel free to use both methods.

The issues you are having seems to be that the buildings from your sqf are loading on the client and the server, that is why you are getting duplicates. There should be a way that only the server loads the building from your .sqf,
you may want to check the sqf and make sure that it is only running on the server. At the top of the sqf you should have,
if (isServer) then {

and close it with,
at the end of the file.

Moments after posting this I actually caught that precise problem you mentioned. Much appreciated.
I'd love to be able to have it all server side because I have tons of custom buildings on my server but my database just doesn't want to cooperate with me.
I appreciate the response. :)