Custom Kill Messages


New Member
So I was wondering If there is a genius around these parts? Or even a partial genius?

I would like to do the following but I am still learning how to Customize my server. I would like Kill messages enabled on my server but I would prefer they did the following.

When someone dies : PlayerX was Killed by Another Survivor
Or : PlayerX was Killed by a Bandit (if they have less than 0 humanity or in a bandit skin)
at the same time I would like the Kill message of WHO actually killed WHO with what weapon and distance posted either to my logs or somehow recorded over to the Hive into a table separate cells created specifically for Killmessages.

Does anyone have the knowledge how to go about doing this or modding the kill messages this way. It would help catch dirty skiddies especially in combination with the Player Movement History idea that was posted in Bliss Support section.