Custom Time / Static Date


New Member
Im trying to set my hive with this options

;Possible values: Local, Custom, Static
;You cannot use Static on OFFICIAL Hive, it will just revert to Local
Type = Custom
;If using Custom type, offset from UTC in hours (can be negative as well)
Offset = -3
;These 2 settings only apply if using Static type (Custom date/time on every server start)
;The value (0-24) to set the Hour to, if commented or empty then the hour won't be changed
Hour = 8
;The value (DD/MM/YYYY) to set the Date to, if commented or empty then the date won't be changed
Date = 12.7.2012

but it doesnt works
You cannot use a timezone offset and a static time simultaneously. If you are trying to set the time to the same hour all the time Type must be Static.
A semi-colon ';' makes the server ignore the respective line. You can see that the explanations for each setting are preceded by a semi-colon, while the actual setting is not.
i cant get local time to work on mine, i know hkw to set it up but it wont go to the time i want, server wilk start out on 12pm then it wilk go 4 hours ahead, no matter what time i set
Well i fix my problem just comment offset and hour, set Type to static and date to 12.7.2012