DayZ Anti-Hax [update Jan,11] new version:


New Member
Hello, guys!
I'm a server admin, and I met a huge growth of cheaters since my server got to the top150 of gametracker servers.
I've been using the DayZ Anti-Hax for about 4 months, but for last two of them it worked only for updating community bans.
So I decided to update it, make it compatible with new filter files, more flexible, and more fast. And I did it. Three days of testing, and it works like I wanted.

Here is a link to the google code project page (the source is also open, of course):
You can find an archive with the final version in the Download section

Some changes since the previous (v.0.8.2) version:
*Extremely improved performace.Now parsing won't start from the begin each time, but will just continue from the previous position.
*Update reminder added.
*Completely rewritten flood check code: should work faster, and also won't start from the begin each time.*Addednewfunction: custom ban text (*Addednew logged files.Full list of avaliable ones:---addmagazinecargo.log;[+antiflood]---attachto.log;[+antiflood]---createvehicle.log---publicvariable.log---remoteexec.log---scripts.log---setpos.log---setdamage.log*Custom filters supported*New configuration file and filter file structure*Changed window buffer size, now window buffer overflow should not appear.*Improved community-banlist-getfunction.*In code: added LogFileclass, now it's much more structurized and friendly for coders.
*Fixed crash when there were no filters/logs present *DAH will now parse bannable objects with "7", not only with "5" marker (as an option in BattlEye syntax)

I would like to credit to authours of the previous version ( of this tool:
Muppet1856 and

I hope they will answer my old request for v0.9 code upload.
Thanks and good luck!
Hey mate, I stopped contributing to this project a long time ago, due to lack of support. The old project is on svn so you can get a snapshot of the code at anytime during the development. As for 0.9 I don't think that ever saw the light of day as I never saw any commits or was able to test any of it. As far as I was concerned 0.8.2 was the latest release :(
Hey mate, I stopped contributing to this project a long time ago, due to lack of support. The old project is on svn so you can get a snapshot of the code at anytime during the development. As for 0.9 I don't think that ever saw the light of day as I never saw any commits or was able to test any of it. As far as I was concerned 0.8.2 was the latest release :(
Hey! You can veiew the source at the source page on googlecode o_O
Wondering if this can be used on all maps, and can it be used with our own BE files?
Reason I ask is that we run several maps and our BE files have been altered to use Base Building Mod, so I am not intending to copy over our current edits.
Tried running this on my server. But it seems to ban a shitload of players for; (Ban[ createVehicle violation]) & (Object Access Flooding) & (Ban[ setVariable violation]) --
Could anyone tell me what exactly they are doing to receive this ban?
Wondering if this can be used on all maps, and can it be used with our own BE files?
Reason I ask is that we run several maps and our BE files have been altered to use Base Building Mod, so I am not intending to copy over our current edits.
You can use this with any map. The only thing you need is to set your filters correctly (e.g. you need no restrictions for ksvk at Namalsk).

Tried running this on my server. But it seems to ban a shitload of players for; (Ban[ createVehicle violation]) & (Object Access Flooding) & (Ban[ setVariable violation]) --
Could anyone tell me what exactly they are doing to receive this ban?
Try to set your filters :)
Am i correct in thinkin that they shouldnt be banned for createvehicle violation tho?
Dunno, man. Try to look through logs and find what were they banned for..
ALSO if you dont want to get a ban for

5 "SeaGull"

in your createvehicle.txt, just change it to

5 "SeaGull"

And they will only be kicked:)