Dayz Bliss Player Join Notifications


New Member

I have setup my own private server using the bliss files (, I cannot see players join inside the game, but I see them join in the console?

I just want to be able to see when players are connecting to my server via the in game text system.

When building I used the following script:

perl --world Chernarus --instance 1 --with-carepkgs --with-killmsgs --with-messaging --with-buildings --with-wrecks --with-invcust --channels 0,2,6

Wondering if I missed something along the way?

Clarification: The game is working fine for me and my players I am just missing the join notifications.

--with-messaging only sets up automated in game messaging. As far as I know there is not a way to show join messages that way. I do know that DayZ Whitelist Pro has a greeting setting. You could use that and just turn off the whitelist.