DayZ EpochFINLAND | Tow/Lift | Self-BB | Side-Missions | CustomAH | Active admins | etc.


New Member
Hello dear players. I started yesterday my own Epoch server and I've already got a few players. Now I think it's time to share the server info with all the Epoch players and hopefully I meet you there
Since the server was just started we are happy to take any suggestions you have so we could make the server better! Server is currently only Daytime server but this might be changed if people want that!

Things I've already added

Vehicle Tow/Heli Lifting​
Custom Anti-Hack by infiSTAR
AI missions
Custom Starting Gear
Safe Traders
Custom Loot Table
More Shop Items

Things I'll add as soon as I have time
Custom Buildings (Custom buildings in South, NEAF etc.)
Care Packages
V.I.P rank (if the server gets popular
Server IP:
Skype: xzsebuzx
Admins are: xzsebuzx and DaniThe admins are there to help. We play like normal players but we never abuse our powers. We try to help new players as much as possible so everybody can have a nice start :)

See you there

Cheers! :)
Thank you people! Today we had 30 players online :) I'd like to welcome every new player to DayZ Finland and I hope you enjoy the community :)

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People have started asking about donator rewards. I'm now trying to create different things that donators will get. I'd still like to remind that they won't be anything overpower!