DayZ.St & Infistar, trying to add the BattleEye... where?


Greettings all,

I've spent the last 3 hours trying to find info on where the BattleEye resides on DayZ.St servers.

I'm following the instructions for infistar and I hit a wall with adding the BattleEye files.

Does anyone know where this is completed on the DayZ.St servers?

Thank you,
(Signed confused and frustrated)
Use FTP and go into the OldBattleye folder.

Hope that was what you were looking for.
If the OldBattleye folder was used, I would edit accordingly. DayZ.ST does not (currently) need the Battleye file/folder edited to use infistar. Thanks to New Calpis observation.

But thank you for taking the time to reply.