DayZ v2.0 Pre-Release Open Testing!!


Hey Guys!

This is the link for the new version before it goes on PlayWithSix and DayZ Commander.
If you'd like to jump on the test server. Download the latest build here:

Join this server:
Port: 2302

Or Here: To join a server with the latest version.

*Note ~ This is the final testing stage so some errors may still be present and you may be asked to leave to make space for development personel. Please ignore the error message on entering the server as wrong vehicles were chosen to spawn :) Thank You.
Bandages?! I've been playing for 2 1/2 hours and hit almost every building from Grishino to Zelengorsk and have yet to find a bandage - not even on a zed. If this is a bug, it's a huge one. If it's part of the new cruelty, it's too much. IRL, I'd rip a scrap of clothing off to bandage up. Bandages shouldn't be impossible to find. With the zombies being almost precognitive and insta-hitting, bandages are a must. Making them so rare adds insult to injury and only serves to piss off players.

And while I'm all for tough zeds, most could see me before I could see them. And they are extremely glitchy. My tactic now simply has become to take advantage of exploits or say fuck the aggro and drag it with me.

Of course, looking at the leaderboard, maybe I'm doing just fine.
Hmm haven't had a problem finding a bandage at all. Haven't touched zombie awareness at all either. The bandages are also located in a couple of classes that are in a variety of buildings. Will take a look to see if it can be increased more.
Well, both of my deaths were caused solely because after 3 hours of playing, I couldn't find a single bandage... not one... nada, zilch, zero... nothing. None in Zelengorsk, Putoshka, Vybor, NWAF, Grishino... nothing. Zombies didn't eat me, players didn't kill me, I simply bled out - after being insta-hit - for want of a bandage... after hours of searching. Not even one on one of the over 50 zombies I've hatcheted in that 3 hours.

And, two zombies saw me from outside of line of sight from 80m away. I heard them aggro before I saw them come over the hill. I was running on grass.

Adding to the list: Polana - no bandages. Factory outside Polana - no bandages. At this point, I'm going to go to the Bere hospital and see if the problem is that bandages aren't showing up for me.

And... Berezino hospital - no bandages. I'm going to reinstall and see if that does the job.
Bandages wont show up in factories. They only show up in relevant areas. We will be adding a bandage as a starting item to help with the first hit. After that your on your own. If you look at the loot table the bandage appears almost in every class so increasing the number even slightly will make bandage appear too frequently (but we may try and adjust in certain areas). Hopefully bandage as starter gear will help remedy this situation. Just running a few tests on it.
I already re-installed, sorry. :) Was going to go check the hospital again to see if that fixed it, but... of course, got insta-hit while trying to catch a chicken to increase my low blood and bled out on the way.

Respawned back in Gvodzno and worked my way through to Krostanov and the NEAF in search of one. Lo and behold: one bandage in the ATC tower in the NEAF. I hope you've got it worked out. You know me, I'm all about the survival aspect, but 5 hours to find 1 bandage with all the towns I've run to on the map is not a video game I'm interested in playing - haha!
Well you have just installed the latest patch and as you know we've just increased the drops slightly so hopefully that should help :) apologies for all those hours of cronic anguish.
And, something should be done about the insta-hits. They're hitting even before their hit animation happens.

Well, chronic anguish is one of the perks of making oneself a guinea pig for pre-release. :)
We have not touched the hit-detection or animations, lagg may be the issue from the server but we will keep it under watch as no other testers have encountered it yet.
Here's an example of what I mean by an insta-hit. I've had zeds hit me as their getting to a door... they look like they're walking and they hit me. Or, one will run up next to me, I'll try to dodge, but the minute they're next to me, they're already hitting me before I can do anything.

Doesn't seem like lag because they're dying when I hit them with the axe... I'm seeing no lag there, I click the mouse, the axe swings, they go down. But, this one hit me while trying to stand upright.
Just been on the test server and i've noticed a couple of things:

#1: It only happens with the crawling zombies (Sometimes)
#2: Been unable to make it happen with standing zombies.

We'll mark it as a know issue but in all fairness people should be avoiding zombies and not dancing with them. We'll try and fix it by all means when we can. (We'll double check the animations etc)
Ugh. Got nothing nice to say about that one, man... not a thing - "avoinding zombies not dancing with them." Purposely approached a zombie to make a video illustrating the issue I was having with the zombies. Thought I was helping. And if the pathing wasn't glitchy it wouldn't be necessary to dance with them in order to deal with them - it's an evolved tactic to compensate for a glitch. And sometimes, you have to make a decision to deal with a threat rather than run for a bloody pine tree or building - that's part of the game... unless you've made that change for 2017 v. 2. I'll give the mod another chance when it's a final release.

Apologies if I have come across rude as that was not my intention but we are working diligently to address all issues. I'm sorry dude I want you to know I have the upmost respect for you and value your input something fierce and will address it I promise. I just don't think we'll be able to fix that in time for this release as we haven't touched anything to do with hit detection and have only increased damage output.
New issue:

Raw Meat has no weight. Having 10 stacks of meat doesn't change the weight value at all. Doesn't matter if it's in the backpack or not. Haven't checked cooked one, as I have yet to find a hatchet.
If you look at the loot table the bandage appears almost in every class so increasing the number even slightly will make bandage appear too frequently (but we may try and adjust in certain areas). Hopefully bandage as starter gear will help remedy this situation. Just running a few tests on it.

I took a look at the loot table (the one in the adjusted file) and... wow... generic loot drops 75% less (.10 v. .44) in residential areas and 80% less in supermarkets than in 1.1 (which itself was already 80% less than vanilla DayZ)? Considering that there is more than one type of ammo, the further 75% reduction of a chance for that loot drop to be a bandage means you're more likely to get ammo in a residential, supermarket or military spawn than a bandage. In fact, you're more likely to get a can of beans in a supermarket than a bandage. I don't understand the reasoning behind making them so rare - especially since the damage a zombie can do has increased and zombie attacks are glitchy (my guess is that the insta-hits were always there, but have become more noticeable and problematic due to the new graphic and the increased damage). I'm not exagerrating when I say that every death I had today was due to a glitched zombie hit exacerbated by a lack of bandages - I just bled out. Dying because the game is hard is one thing; dying because it's glitchy is another.
Yeah the last loot table everything was spawning too frequently so everything needed to be brought down and started from scratch. But we raised the bandages higher in all classes which means they should be more. It's not about how much they spawn from the previous update but more about how they spawn compared to other items of the same chance against the maximum possible chance of an item dropping (which would be the trash) then multiply that by how many spawn locations there are and the number slowly starts to get bigger.

All we can do is just increase the chance of bandages dropping.
I agree that it's truly about how much they spawn in comparison to other items, but, considering how loot probability works in DayZ the number of spawn locations means next to nothing. It's like the lottery... where each spawn location is a new drawing. If a set of numbers doesn't come up in a draw, the chances of it coming up in the next draw don't change. The spawn locations are independent of one another, so the effect is random and not cumulative. A bandage not spawning in one location doesn't increase the chance it will spawn in another. And with the lottery, sometimes it seems that people in one state are hitting the mega millions jackpot for a time while people in another aren't - a streak, if you will. This lottery phenomenon has always occured with other items in the game - camping tents, backpacks, etc... There have been times where it seems like you can't find a single camping tent all day, but someone else has found five. This is a fact of the DayZ loot spawning system.

But, here's where this lottery phenomenon poses a unique problem with bandages when you make them rare: You can survive without a camping tent; you can survive without a bigger backpack; you can survive without antibiotics, a blood bag or morphine (though it's definitely hard); you can even survive for hours without a knife - something you will eventually need to have; but if you don't have a bandage, you will not survive for very long at all if you want to play the game - primarily due to glitches. I'll posit that the single most important item in the game... is the bandage. If there weren't the glitches, I would say that it's not so much a problem to have bandages be less common... killing zombies requires a skill that needs to be learned or they should be avoided... but, the fact is, the zombies are glitchy - we all know it and know it's really hard to fix that. I can accept that - I'm sure most people can - but there has to be something to compensate for the glitches (the hitting through walls, the insta-hits, the erratic aggro pathing) - and if that means bandages are appearing "too frequently" then, my opinion would be 'so be it.' It may not appear as realistic, but, as I said, in real life, I'd tear a piece of clothing to bandage if none were available... but we can't do that.

I appreciate that adjusting and balancing loot spawns is tricky business and I don't envy you the job, but if something isn't working (and having no bandages at all after restart on a low pop server in a major residential loot area like Vybor means it's not working, in my opinion)... best to err on the side of gameplay over realism until it can be fixed. There's so much that I love so far about the new update and would love to have a chance to explore the other new features - if only I wasn't spending my day looking for bandages. ;)
I agree it's a lottery per spawn point and not cumulative. However, the more people play the lottery the higher the chance of winning. Therefore, with each spawn point, with each building, with each player and loot refreshing at 15 minute intervals (approx) and the fact the bandage is now higher than other items in the loot table (ammo etc) on top of spawning with a bandage now I feel the bandages are in the right place. We'll keep monitoring it and if there is a general consensus that bandages need to drop more often we'll do that at the click o the mouse.

*Although imaginary, luck plays a part :)
True... but, as I said, each spawn point is a lottery independent of the others, so, with respect, the argument about multiple spawn points, in multiple buildings, with more people playing is flawed. You can have one million people loot every spawn point in Cherno one million times and there could still be zero bandages everywhere else on the map. But, I look forward to how the adjustment plays out. :)