DayzBanana PVP/Survival Solace - 2 servers


New Member
Hi, i am Crimes and i'm one of the admins of the DayzBanana servers. We have 2 running servers, one dedicated to pure pvp and the other more leaning towards survival, but yeah, players tend to shoot their guns anyway :). With a solid anti-hack we offer some good clean fun.

Server #1 features: 500 vehicles + 50 choppers - Extra buildings - Generous starting loadout - Debug monitor
This server restarts every hour to decrease desync and it will respawn every vehicle every restart.
IP = DayzBananas PVP Solace

Server #2 features: 500 land/air vehicles - Extra bases / towns / castles - Map Markers - AI - Debug monitor
This server restarts every 2 hours and vehicles do not respawn on restart.
IP = Dayzbananas Survival Solace

We have active admins on both of the servers. Server #1 is mostly full and running its own life. Server#2 has just started and we hope to see a lot of players in the future. We have donater gear set up and you can contact us through the website and TeamSpeak.

Server #2 is down for some testing and BEC problems. It will be up and running sometime today though :)

Edit: All is working fine right now. So server is open for public!