db_spawn_vehicles.pl --limit switch not going past 100


Hey guys when executing "db_spawn_vehicles.pl --instance 1 --pass [PASSWORD] --taviana eu --limit 300 --cleanup all"

The ---limit 300 switch seems not to increase vehicle count beyond 100 or so. What gives?
cause, vehicle table limit that(vehicle.limit_max), and db_spawn_vehicles.pl use that limit.
and if you want 300 vehicles or more in your instance_vehicle table, you will need to modify vehicle table.

In case eu.tavi world_vehicle's vehicle sum is 349.(world_vehicle.id 311~563(253), 873~968(96))
and if you want to spawn 300 vehicles,
update world_vehicle set chance = 1 where world_id = 1; <-- you can try this or not, that depend you want.
update vehicle set limit_max = 100; <-- limit_max value will be set no limit like 100.

and then run
db_spawn_vehicles.pl --instance 1 --pass [PASSWORD] --taviana eu --limit 300 --cleanup all
you will see 300 vehicles in your instance_vehicle table.

and if you do
db_spawn_vehicles.pl --instance 1 --pass [PASSWORD] --taviana eu --cleanup all
you will see 349 vehicles in your instance_vehicle table.