Dead Bodys instant disapear after death


Valued Member!

I have a Problem, on my Namalsk-Server (running Bliss), somehow the people are able to quit to Lobby instant after the Screen of Death apears, there is a countdown counting from 7 to zero, but the "Abort"-Button isnt disabled for the time of the countdown, so people can instant click "Abort" and create a new character.

Problem is that when a player instant disconnects to lobby after he got killed, his body and gear slowly sinks to the someone is hiding it. Most of the players on my server noticed that and whenever they get killed they hide the loot, so the hunter cant get anything from the dead body.

Any Ideas how i could prevent this? I heard about a battleye-rule to kick players after they died, so the body cant disapear... but i gues on a pvp-map like namalsk... this would suck.

Is it possible to deactivate the abort-button for the time of the countdown?
Add this to your description.ext, under OnLoadMissionTime
onPauseScript = "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_onPause.sqf";

Oh wait, are you hosting a server?
Yeah, there is no Update for Namalsk that supports :/

But cant i put the onPause.sqf from in my server.pbo somehow?
No don't
Copy it to your mission folder, call it OnPause.sqf
And execute it like this in description.ext
onPauseScript = "OnPause.sqf";